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但是现在,保持斜体不变。But for now, keep the italic font.

斜体这一段应排进去。The paragraph in italic should be set in.

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现在的斜体,是用正体字改变为倾斜而成。Italic to-day is a "Slanted " version of a roman typeface.

你会改变黑体字方面,可能使用斜体或下划线?Would you change the boldface terms, perhaps using italic or underlining?

第二和名字是种加词,表示该物种的具体种名。The generic and specific names are in Latin and are printed in italic type.

斜体的参数由用户传入,必要时也可以硬编码。The parameters in italic are passed in by the user, but could be hard-coded if you want.

诗中有些诗行是黑体,有些诗行是大写,有些诗行是斜体。In this poem, some lines are printed in black, some in capital letters, and some in italic.

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下划线划在符号,词或词组下的线,用以表示强调或斜体打印。A line under something , such as a symbol, word, or phrase, used to indicate emphasis or italic type.

优胜队的名称和得分用加粗、斜体字体表示,这样可以清晰显示它们。The names and scores of the winning teams are in a bold, italic font, which makes them really stand out.

斜体,大写字母和任何其他人的欢迎。斜体脚本是好的,只要其易读,易。Italics, block capitals and any others are welcome. Italic script is fine so long as its legible and easy to.

斜体字部分表示你可以在模板的这一项填入任何符合规则的内容。The words in italic represent items you can fill in with anything that fits the specification of that template.

该文本包含不同的颜色和字体修饰,比如下划线、删除线、粗体和斜体。This text includes different colors and font modification, such as underline, strikeout, bold, and italic text.

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快速和方便的参考…新补充的基础和草书斜体全面审查和首都部分。Quick and easy reference New supplementary section with a complete review of basic and cursive italic and capitals.

这个例子中,引用的两边都缩进了而且引用的左边有一个蓝行,同时引用文本也是斜体的。This example indents the quote on both sides and puts a blue line on the left side of the quote and makes the text italic.

它是我们自信抢占市场领导地位的标记,它用斜体的大写字母显示我们的名字,生动而不呆板。The new logo is a sign of our self-confidence and holds up our claim to market leadership. It shows our name in italic upper case letters, dynamic, with no frills.

现已消亡的印欧语言,从在威尼托发现的公元前六至一世纪的简短碑铭中得知该语言的存在,可能属于古意大利语分支。An extinct Indo-European language known from short inscriptions in Veneto dating from the sixth to the first centuries b. c. and possibly belonging to the Italic branch.

与只是简单将单词从无格式转变为斜体的图标按钮不同,现在的图标按钮开始通过其状态显示当前选中的文本是否已经变为斜体。Instead of a butcon that simply changed a word from plain to italic text, the butcon now began to indicate—by its state—whether the currently selected text was already italicized.

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山特维克在本文件的评估过程中按照最佳技术性能和商业因素来做出的必要假定,以加粗的斜体字来表示。Assumptions necessarily been taken by SANDVIK under consideration of best technical performance and commercial aspects during the evaluation of this document are indicated in bold italic letters.