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时间轴就是横轴。This is the time axis.

“鼠辈轴心”如何?。How about Axis of Weasels?

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世博轴的长度是多少?How long is the Expo axis?

飞机的对称轴线。The axis of plane symmetry.

关节的副轴。The joint's secondary axis.

这就是萧条轴心。Hence the axis of depression.

您看,中间是一条中轴线。Look, there's a central axis.

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地球绕轴自转。The earth whirls on its axis.

用理想气体作为研究对象。There's pressure on this axis.

傀儡王邪恶轴心。Puppet. Master. Axis. of. Evil.

每个轴行程的滚珠丝杆。Each axis travels on ball screw.

CH1垂直轴输入端子。The CH1 vertical axis input jack.

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CH2垂直轴输入端子。The CH2 vertical axis input jack.

全新耐高温长轴马达。The new high-temperature axis motor.

沿中轴线建厅堂三进。Along the axis of three-hall building.

它位于浦东B片区世博轴东侧。It located in Pudong Expo B east axis.

φ是与z轴的夹角。Phi is the angle down from the z axis.

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动荡轴心有很多的成员国。The axis of upheaval has many members.

4和5,6,7,8都打在了xy轴上。and 5, 6, 7, 8, on the x- and y- axis.

好的结果应该在Y轴上呈现成逐渐向上。Good results should go up on the Y axis.