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我的不完美可能是你的完美。My imperfectness perhaps is your perfectness.

你的不完美可能是我的完美。Your imperfectness perhaps is my perfectness.

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你和我走在一起把所有的不完美变成完美。You and me together can change our imperfectness into perfectness.

但是,郁闭度的概念模糊、测定方法不完善,制约了郁闭度的调查与应用。But surveying and application of canopy closure are restricted because of obscure concept and imperfectness of measuring method.

实际沟道结构的不完全性将引起电磁模式的转换,增加传播损耗。The imperfectness of the actual open groove structures will cause electromagnetic mode conversion and increase the propagation loss.

投资的高风险,看病贵,社保的不完善,未知的老年生活,使得人们时刻都没有安全感。People are concerned over security due to high-risk investment, difficulty of medical treatment, and imperfectness of social insurance.

执法规范不完善的问题需要通过立法加以解决,而执法行为不规范的问题则可通过案件审核来解决。The imperfectness of law enforcement standardization should be solved by legislation, and the mal-enforcement of law can be solved by case auditing.

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针对旧式离子渗氮炉所存在的问题,在新炉子的研制中作了大量结构改进工作。Authors made much improvement in the construction of new designed ionitriding furnace as compared with the existing imperfectness in the old ionitriding fur nace.

对于新闻自由和名誉权两种权利的冲突,其产生是由权利固有的界限模糊特性、法治发展的不完善以及权利的运用和行使不当造成的。The conflict between freedom of the press and the reputation rights is caused by the inherent division illegibility, the imperfectness of laws and improper use of rights.

造成我国食品安全问题屡禁不绝的重要原因除了生产商、经营者唯利是图、道德沦丧外,还在于我国食品安全保障机制的不健全。Besides the producer and distributor's moral decline in profit seeking, the imperfectness in food safety guarantee mechanism is a more important cause of the rises of such cases.

方晓霞提出中小企业自身的素质是贷款难的根本原因,金融体系不完善是中小企业贷款难的直接原因。Fang Xiaoxia thought, SME's own quality is the main reason of difficulty in financing, imperfectness of financial system is the direct reason of SME's difficulty in getting loan.

从政策视角进行分析,政策未取得实效的原因主要在于“禁办”政策制定、执行过程中的问题所致,在于政策执行过程不尽完善。Analyzing from the perspective of policy, we conclude that the main reasons lie in the problems in the stipulation and implementation of the policy as well as the imperfectness in its implementation.