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江西省吉安市。Ji'an City in Jiangxi Province.

他住在上海江西路。He lives in Jiangxi Road, Shanghai.

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我住在江西省萍乡市。I live in Jiangxi city of Pingxiang province.

江西兴国被称为著名的灰鹅之乡。Xingguo in jiangxi the of the famous grey geese.

江西龙展机械制造…Jiangxi Longzen Machinery Manufacturing Co. , Ltd.

乐平猪是江西地方猪种。Leping swine is a local breed in Jiangxi province.

上栗县位于江西省的西部,萍乡市的正北。Shangli county lies in the west of Jiangxi province.

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因此,厂名也改成了江西食品厂。Therefore, jiangxi food factory factory also changed.

江西三清山植物区系的研究。A Study on The Flora of Sanqingshan in Jiangxi Province.

地处江西省瑞金市向阳路。Xiangyang Road is located in Ruijin of Jiangxi Province.

江西省婺源县的绝美景色。Beautiful landscape in Wuyuan county of Jiangxi province.

在方志敏领导下,我们开到赣东北。Led by Fang Zhimin, we made our way to northeast Jiangxi.

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鹅湖是位于江西省景德镇市浮梁县东部的一个镇。Hu is an eastern town in Fu Liang County, JingDeZhen JiangXi.

咖啡机公司总部设在江西宜春。The coffeemaker Base company is located in the Jiangxi Ichun.

我来自江西省上饶市广丰县。I come from Guangfeng County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province.

修河是江西的五大河流之一。Xiu River is one of the five major rivers in Jiangxi Province.

赣南是客家人的主要聚居地。The south of Jiangxi province is the main habitation of Hakkas.

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犀利哥的真名叫程国荣,34岁,来自江西省鄱阳县。He is Cheng Guorong, 34, from Poyang County of Jiangxi Province.

上海队利用江西队的频繁失球占了上风。The Shanghai team took advantage of a slew of Jiangxi turnovers.

我叫刘杰瑞,来自江西九江。This is Jerry Lew. I come from Jiujiang city , Jiangxi Province.