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目的探讨伪人参皂苷GQ抗运动性疲劳的功效。Objective Discuss the anti-fatigue action of pseudo-ginsenoside GQ.

李国强用贷款的钱给工人们发了两个月的工资,并动员大家一定要坚持下去。Li gq with lending money to the workers sent two months salary, and mobilize everyone must stick to it.

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张深向李国强提了要跟雨瞳结婚的请求,李国强尊重他的想法,张深非常高兴。Zhang deep gave guo-qiang li wants to marry the rain pupils request, li gq respect his ideas, deep very happy.

为了摆脱农村的极端贫穷,每年有数百万工人向城市流动——黄金高速公路上,车流人流浩浩荡荡,越来越庞大。Escaping the crushing poverty of rural life, millions of workers move to cities every year—a trend the GQ has accelerated.

去年12月这一期的GQ杂志从应用程序商店被下载了将近7千次,是其今年1月期杂志下载次数的两倍。The December issue of GQ was downloaded from the app store almost 7, 000 times, and twice as many times for its January issue.

我在看一系列要素在gq叫了10个设计或有十位的名字是必要的。I was reading a series in GQ called 10 Essentials where a designer or stylish celebrity names 10 things that are essential to them.

江源没有过多解释,只是表示总有一天他会取代林正华,一番言语让李国强很是诧异,认为他是在做梦。No too much explanation, just said one day he would replace zheng-hua Lin, a words let li gq is very surprised, think he is dreaming.

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我厂主要生产S端子、音视频组合板、GQ光纤、RCA同芯插座、WP外接线插座、USB插头、连接器等系列。The factory are specially producing S terminal and A&Vcomposite-Boards, GQ fiber socket, RCA pin jack, WP exterior connector outlet, USB plug, Connectors etc.

28岁的贾斯汀对流行时尚颇有影响力,并喜欢险中求胜,把可能变成"雷人服"的服饰穿出时尚味道,例如三件套西服、极窄的领带等。" GQ singled out 28-year-old Timberlake for his impact on fashion, willingness to take risks and "knack for targeting trends" such as 3-piece suits and skinny ties.

面对八卦媒体对于瑞安·雷诺兹与斯嘉丽·约翰逊两人婚姻生活的各种揣测,无奈的瑞安声称“百分之九十九点九的消息都是无稽之谈。”Ryan Reynolds gets a chuckle over tabloid reports about his personal life. "Ninety-nine point nine percent of it is just absurd, " the Buried star, 33, says in the October issue of GQ.