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模仿能增加好感么?Does mimicry increase liking?

受自然的启发,这个线缆车锁是对常春藤的模仿设计。Inspired by nature, the design of this cable wire lock is a mimicry of ivy.

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试着去模仿一下你选择的那个人,如果他把话丢过来,你就再回过去。Try to mimicry a little your chosen one. If he throws back- you throw back too.

几乎所有的行为荒谬性,均源自于模仿那些我们不可能雷同的人。Almost all behaviors absurd all originate mimicry those our impossibly similar person.

简森等人提出的观点等于是对拟态伪装现象作出了全新的解读。The idea is a fresh twist on the well-established phenomenon of mimicry among animals.

这种情况会发生的原因跟产生拟态的策略是分不开的。The reason why this probably happens is tied to the strategy behind the mimicry itself.

因为我们都是独特的个体,有的人会自然地比其他人更容易去模仿。Since we're all different, some people will naturally engage in mimicry more than others.

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当学生们口含铅笔时,他们无法再模仿照片中的微笑。But if the students put a pencil in their mouth, they could no longer rely on their mimicry.

而社会模仿与我之前提到的催眠又有着怎样的联系呢?But what's this connection between social mimicry and hypnotism that I mentioned at the top?

独创的外形,熟练的色彩混合,以及对真实世界中许多物理接口的模仿。Creative shapes, masterful color blending, and mimicry of physical interfaces from the real world.

或者说,雌性的拟态行为帮助它们在数量上更接近雄性了。In other words, their mimicry improved as their numbers increased relative to the amount of males.

本文论述了日语中的拟声词和拟态词的来源和用法。The essay is about the onomatopoeic words and mimicry words in Japanese, discuses their use and origin.

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Forbes说,它之前没有在种内含拟态的生物体中测试过,这一点让他很惊讶。Forbes said he was surprised that it hadn't been tested before on an organism with intraspecific mimicry.

蒲伯纯粹是模仿他的朋友,因为扮演过早,所以显得不够真实。Pope's was the mere mimicry of his friend, a fictitious part which he began to play before it became him.

在市场上,模仿与照搬西方建筑的现象始终如影随形。At on the market, mimicry with shine on to move the west the phenomenon of the building is always inseparable.

在一项研究中,她和同事们测试了模仿别人的微笑,是否能让人辨别出真假微笑。In one study, she and her colleagues are testing the idea that mimicry lets people recognize authentic smiles.

堂的模仿是如此非同寻常,如此出人意料,以至于哈根和约翰尼都惊得大笑起来。The mimicry of the Don was so extraordinary, so unexpected, that Hagen and Johnny were startled into laughter.

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但磋商和调整一定不能是等同于全盘化的认同,即使只是小部份的模拟。But consulting and drawing on is absolutely not tantamount to total identification, and even less is it mimicry.

然而,对其他所有人而言,微妙的模仿可视为一种恭维,是魅力本身的舞蹈。For almost everyone else, however, subtle mimicry comes across as a form of flattery, the physical dance of charm itself.

穆勒氏拟态不适口的种彼此相似,被掠食者辨认出且避开的状况。Mullerian mimicry The condition where unpalatable species resemble each other, and are recognised and avoided by predators.