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后来,赫歇尔发现了另一颗土星的卫星,以及天王星的两颗卫星。He would go on to discover another of Saturnian satellite as well as two of Uranus's moons.

今年夏天提供了一个研究木星、土星系统的绝佳机会。This past summer offered excellent opportunities to study the Jovian and Saturnian systems.

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这个发现让卡西尼探索土星以来发现的永远小卫星的光弧数量增加到了三个。This brings the number of Saturnian ring arcs with embedded moonlets found by Cassini to three.

土星卫星的子卫星将解释Iapetus的两个最使人迷惑的特征。A sub-satellite of the Saturnian moon would explain two of the most puzzling features of Iapetus.

旅行者号传回的照片只是道“开胃小菜”,即将成行的卡西尼任务预计将会是一场土星“盛宴”。Voyager's pictures were just an appetizer, the upcoming Cassini mission should be a Saturnian feast.

问题在于,我们能够进入它的结构还感觉舒适,即使这个结构不再适用。The problem is we can get caught and comfortable in a Saturnian structure even if it no longer serves.

路宁是卡西尼–惠更斯任务的跨领域科学家。JONATHAN I. LUNINE is an interdisciplinary scientist for the Cassini-Huygens mission to the Saturnian system.

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当明年的七月,到达土星之后,卡西尼探测器将进入环绕土星的轨道,并研究土星系。When arriving at Saturn in July 2004, the Cassini orbiter will begin to circle and study the Saturnian system.

新带是在远远达到了土星系统,轨道倾斜27度从主环平面。The new belt lies at the far reaches of the Saturnian system, with an orbit tilted 27 degrees from the main ring plane.

面对繁荣的生活,请不要躲在一片灰色的天空里,去渲染悲哀的歌声。Face Saturnian life, not hiding within a stretch of the gloomy sky , go to exaggerate sorrowful sound of singing please.

较特斯提卫星,另外一颗土星卫星——土卫十三的轨道更加靠近土星,由它们共同创建出一组独特的土星卫星系,被称做“特洛伊卫星”。Another moon, Telesto, orbits in front of Tethys, creating a grouping unique to the Saturnian system known as trojan moons.

惠更斯号降落之后,卡西尼号在土星系统为期四年的旅程中,将持续研究土卫六。AFTER HUYGENS'S DESCENT, the Cassini orbiter will continue to study Titan during its four-year tour of the Saturnian system.

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天王星是向绝对权威挑战和令土星性格和集体组成的既有格局感到不安的象征。Uranus is the symbol of whatever challenges the absolute validity and upsets the patterns of a Saturnian type of organization.

此项发现对于定义土星确切时长,这一困扰行星科学研究者们长达数年的难题具有重要意义。It's an important step in uncovering the exact length of a Saturnian day, a conundrum that has perplexed planetary researchers for years.

土星的卫星土卫二是一个去“微生物钓鱼”最有前途的地方,虽然它在惊人的十亿英里之外。The Saturnian moon Enceladus is one of the most promising places to go "microbefishing" though it is a staggering one billion miles away.

航行者1号和2号配备更敏锐的影像系统和光谱仪,分别于1980年及1981年飞越土星系统。Voyagers 1 and 2, which flew by the Saturnian system in 1980 and 1981, respectively, possessed more sensitive imaging systems and spectrometers.

轮辐形成假说包括小流星撞击光环和土星大气中的闪电发出的电波进入了光环。Hypotheses for spoke creation include small meteors impacting the rings and electron beams from Saturnian atmospheric lightning spraying the rings.

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所有的革命,都旨在为社会传统的严厉束缚而松绑,打破土星所拥有的特权和阶级,释放巨大的社会能量。All revolutions, as they loosen the rigid bonds of social traditions and break up Saturnian privileges and estates, release enormous social energies.

但是权力却会被浪费——土星的反作用会使“自由的潜能”结晶成为不同于旧有事物的典范与楷模。The power, however, may be wasted — or a Saturnian reaction may recrystallize the "free potential" into patterns essentially not very different from the old ones.

红色和橙色表示土星大气中的深处云层,黄色和绿色表示中等深度云层,而白色和蓝色表示高处云层和雾霾。Red and orange indicate clouds that are deep in the Saturnian atmosphere. Yellow and green indicate intermediate clouds, while white and blue mark high clouds and haze.