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那么一名称职的解说员应当具备哪些条件呢?What makes a good commentator?

奥利金是一个伟大的圣经注释者。Origen was a great biblical commentator.

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不过,评论员梅洛迪·克莱默已经不再是他们的一份子了。Commentator Melody Kramer is no longer one of them.

一位电视评论员称这大火是“地狱之火”。A television commentator called the blaze an “inferno.”

讲评者只是泛论,因为他不知细节。The commentator generalized because he knew no details.

至少有一位评论者在正话反说。At least one commentator was overcome with mock confusion.

一位评论家称为总统的“纵火狂消防队员”。One commentator called the president a "pyromaniac fireman".

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应该是多样化的,”文化评论者周黎明对法新社说。It should be diverse, " cultural commentator Zhou Liming told AFP.

这位评论家不去解决实质问题,而总是咬文嚼字。Instead of deciding the real issue the commentator would chop logic.

蒋廷黻是著名的史学家、政论家和外交家。Chiang T'ing-fu is a famous historian, political commentator and diplomat.

用一位解经家的话说﹐这是恩典的延展。There is no commentator of the Scriptures half so valuable as a captivity.

火车上的讲解员特别热衷于和游客交谈打趣、合影留念。The train commentator special keen and tourists remarked, talk for a photo.

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政治评论人士比兰德说,土耳其处在危险之中。Political commentator Mehmet Ali Birand says Turkey is now in dangerous waters.

从未有人责备美国有线新闻网的评论员杰克•卡弗蒂是个畏首畏尾的人。No one has ever accused CNN commentator Jack Cafferty of being a shrinking violet.

这个批评源于CNN评论员杰克·卡弗蒂最近的评论。This criticism comes after remarks recently made by CNN commentator Jack Cafferty.

它获得了更多流行杰克后,有线电视新闻网的评论员卡弗蒂的粗鲁谈论中国。It gained more popularity after CNN commentator Jack Cafferty's rude talk of China.

为了回答这些问题,我们今天请来了体育评论员童建强。To answer these questions, we are joined today by sports commentator Tong Jianqiang.

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这个评论家宣称西乃山是在亚拉伯,摩西是在这里看见燃烧着的荆棘。This commentator claims Mt Sinai is in Arabia and is where Moses saw the burning bush.

美国航空航天管理局的讲解员罗布·内维亚斯宣布,航天飞机计划和任务,从此告终。NASA commentator Rob Navias announced the end of the mission and the space shuttle program.

一位美国评论员对中国向美国共同基金开启大门的承诺持怀疑态度.One U.S. commentator was skeptical about China's commitment to open up to U.S. mutual funds.