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真该把他碾成灰。Grind him to ashes!

完了后一路向南杀过去。Grind your way down south.

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你使我咬牙切齿!You make me grind me teeth!

你使我咬牙切齿!You make me grind my teeth!

上帝的磨坊慢慢磨。天网恢恢,疏而不漏。The mills of God grind slowly.

我们可以拿到瓜纳巴科亚去磨。We can grind it in Guanabacoa.

在餐桌旁侍人的工作很难受。Waiting tables can be a red grind.

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我要把他们挫骨扬灰!We shall grind their bones to dust.

把这些刀磨一磨,他们已经钝了。Grind these knives , they are blunt.

汉斯觉得学习汉语是件苦事。Hans finds learning Chinese a grind.

余磨泥,我粗加工到45度。I grind my roughing gouge to 45 deg.

你觉得学英语是件苦事吗?。Do you find learning English a grind?

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这米要磨成粉。The rice will grind down into flour.

你用嘴巴研磨咖啡豆。You grind coffee beans in your mouth.

我们把这个焦炭磨成粉。We have to grind the coke into powder.

但是,这将会是一个漫长而痛苦的磨砺过程。But it may be a long and painful grind.

人民币升值的步伐不会停顿下来。Yuan appreciation won't grind to a halt.

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刀刃是斯堪的纳维亚或Scandi研磨。The blade is a Scandinavian or Scandi grind.

我感到双颚紧闭,牙齿紧紧咬在一起。I felt my jaws clench and teeth grind together.

他满口答应了这件事,是有他自己的算盘的。In agreeing so readily, he had an axe to grind.