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可调节的座位安全带。Unbuckle your seat belt.

解开你座位上的安全带。Unbuckle your seat belt.

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这个座位上没有安全带。Unbuckle your seat belt.

请松开腰带。Please unbuckle your belt.

我开车时不要解开安全带。Don't unbuckle your seat belt when I drive.

开始前要解开你的背包腰带。Unbuckle your pack's waistbelt before starting.

涉水前要解开你的背包腰带。Unbuckle your pack's waistbelt before starting.

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开车时不要把安全带松开。Don't unbuckle your seat belt while we're driving.

车落水后,要做的第一件事就是解开安全带。The first thing to do after impact is unbuckle your seatbelt.

她才两岁。好吧,你自己解开扣带,然后找一个邻居。Okay , I need you to unbuckle yourself and try to find a neighbor.

我要你解开安全带。抓住你旁边的树枝。I need you to unbuckle your seat belt and grab the branch next to you.

我感到另一个人也靠了过来,伸手解开我的皮带,把我的裤子连裤衩一起都扯了下来。I felt somebody else reach around and unbuckle my belt, then rip my pants and underwear down.

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然后你会听见我解开皮带的声音,然后我将皮带从我的裤子上抽出来。You then hear me unbuckle my belt and slip it out of the loops on the waistband of my suit trousers.

因此在收折座位前应保证安全带是在正常的位置。Always unbuckle the safety belts and return them to their nomal stowed position before folding a rear seat.

开舱门之前,先解开安全带,因为如果舱门需要由你来开,你可能得站起来走动。Unbuckle your seat belt before opening the door, because you may need to stand up and move to get rid of it once it's in your hands.

接下来我会让你站起来,双手放在你的头上,我会解开你的皮鞭和你裤子上的扣子,然后拉开你的拉链,让裤子褪到你的脚踝处。Then I will have you stand up with your hands on your head, I will unbuckle your belt, unbutton your trousers, take down the zip and let them fall to your ankles.