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怎样才能重建我生活的方向呢?How do I reestablish my direction?

你首先需要做的就是重新建立与她的联系。What you need to do first is reestablish your relationship with her.

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如果你只记录到秒,你就无法恢复原始时间顺序。If you only log to the second, you cannot reestablish the chronology.

格雷琴买了个一次性手机,重新与买家取得了联系。Gretchen buys a disposable phone to reestablish contact with the buyer.

这家国营航空公司说,计划明年恢复飞欧洲的航线。The national carrier says it plans to reestablish routes to Europe next year.

我们应该寻求途径重建一个更能持续发展的次级抵押贷款市场。We should seek ways to reestablish a more sustainable subprime mortgage market.

他们千方百计为因洪水而离乡背井的难民们重建新家园。They tried every way possible to reestablish the refugees uprooted by flood in new homes.

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除此以外,它们通过为和解提供机会来重建人际关系。Moreover, they reestablish bonds by creating opportunities for healing and reconciliation.

目前的育种目标是为这种一百多年前几乎绝迹的鱼类重新建立一定数量的种群。Breeding efforts aim to reestablish a key population that died out more than a century ago.

如果他们逾期居留,可以通过一定的程序来纠正目前的状况,同时要重新建立一个移民申请身份。If they do overstay, they can take certain steps to correct it and reestablish immigration status.

因此我想通过我的爬梳和整理,还湛方生在文学史上应有的地位。Through my thesis I wish I could reestablish Zhan's important position in the history of literature.

需求验证过程将确认或重新建立终端用户需求和期望。The requirements validation process should confirm or reestablish end-user requirements and expectations.

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如果特定的测试破坏了服务器,测试人员可以通过加载服务器的克隆副本来重新建立该服务器。If a particular test breaks the server, testers can reestablish the server by loading a cloned copy of it.

为了以防万一,现在正积极重建,能够制造天花疫苗的工艺进程So, there's been an active effort to reestablish the process of smallpox vaccination in case that's needed.

第一个选择是把香榧重新种植在它们已经茂盛生长数千年的原生长地。The first option is to reestablish Torreya in the same location in which it thrived for thousands of years.

值守的警卫同时也要进行定期的联络呼叫,以尽可能地重建与穿梭艇的联系。The guard on watch would also make periodic commo calls in an effort to reestablish contact with the shuttle.

我们每年都需要一两次工作假期来重新调整自己,重新建立我们的生活观。We need a work vacation or two every year in order to reorient ourselves and reestablish our sense of perspective.

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找一位懂自然疗法专业医生来帮助你重新建立、纠正、平衡你的荷尔蒙分泌通道。Seek a medical professional like a naturopathic doctor to help you reestablish correct and balance hormonal pathways.

通过这些改革措施,东棉将重新建立起一个强有力的事业结构。We believe after our reformation, Tomen will reestablish its strength and build up a more powerful enterprise system.

年,苏美尔的城市文明开始了,是安奴拿其在那里重建了古昔的城市,连同着伊利都和尼普一起开始。Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning with Eridu and Nippur.