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所引用的实验曲线也出现雷同的表现。The cited experimental curves agree analogously with simulation appearances found in this study.

用户可将类似图像布置到各种标准格式X光胶片装配台中。The user has the option of arranging the images analogously to various standard format X-ray film mounts.

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同样,模板形参表示可以在类或函数的定义中使用的类型或值。Analogously , template parameters represent types or values we can use in the definition of a class or function.

爱德蒙脱龙也与之类似,同种类的北方恐龙跟南方恐龙比起来,北方的恐龙对食物比较不挑。Analogously , northern individuals of Edmontosaurus may well have had a more generalized diet than their southern counterparts.

接著,那家百货公司,就像Sony一样,也可以寄一封信到巴士公司去抱怨授权以及顺手牵羊的事情。The store, analogously to Sony here, could well send a letter to the bus company complaining about authorising the shoplifting.

相同的,图的边排序只是将排序的对象由点换成边,而排序完以后有著相对应的性质。The edge ranking problem can be defined analogously except that the mapping fis now from the edge set to the set of all nature numbers.

在模拟控制带极堆焊机研制的基础上,开展了新型微机控制带极自动堆焊机的研制工作。Based on the study on the analogously controlled power source for strip surfacing, a newmicrocrocomputer controlled automatic welding machine is developed for strip surfacing.

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这个方法就有如用天平来测量质量,物体的质量是以需要多少单位的标准质量才能平衡天平来定义。This approach works analogously to measuring masses by using a balance. The mass of an object is defined by how many copies of the standard mass are needed to balance it on a set of scales.

在模拟控制和微机控制技术研究的基础上,开展了8098单片机控制脉冲TIG焊机的研制工作。Based on the study on the analogously controlled and microcomputer controlled power source, a new 8098 single-chip microcomputer controlled welding machine is developed for the pulse TIG welding.

本文介绍一种用于便携式含氢量测定仪的单片机测控系统,重点讨论该系统的单片机扩展单元、信号调理单元、模/数转换单元、真空系统控制单元和系统软件的设计方法。Based on the investigation of the analogously controlled and microcomputer controlled power source, a new 8098 single chip microcomputer controlled welding machine is developed for the TIG welding.