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一根棒球棒?A baseball bat?

还有一顶棒球帽。And a baseball cap.

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你擅长打棒球吗?Are you good at baseball?

他击出棒球裁判。He hit a baseball umpire.

鹇我去看棒球赛。I went to a baseball game.

这个男孩子有一个棒球棒。This boy has a baseball bat.

哪国爱棒球?Which country love baseball?

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棒球是美国的国球。Baseball is an American sport.

他会学会所有的棒球知识。He'll learn all about baseball.

我送给丽丽一个红颜色的棒球。I have a red baseball for Lily.

就我而言,这个出口就是棒球。In my case that meant baseball.

我们凯西是垒球好手。We Caseys are baseball legends.

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汤姆能去看棒球赛吗?Can Tom go to the baseball game?

主打产品是棒球帽。Especially making baseball caps.

如果你去棒球场,If you go to a baseball stadium,

现在,让我们去打场棒球吧。Now let's go play some baseball.

柯瑞上星期五打棒球。Cory played baseball last Friday.

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我们的棒球赛因雨取消了。Our Baseball game was rained out.

这是一首关于垒球的名诗。It's a famous poem about baseball.

在高中时期,他就坚决不打棒球。In high school, he spurned baseball.