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这些目录被添加到类路径。These directories are added to the classpath.

一定要确保类路径的设置正确。Make sure that your classpath is set correctly.

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相应地修改该项目的类路径。Modify the classpath of the project accordingly.

修复已损坏的引用——更新类路径Fixing broken references -- updating the classpath

在classpath中添加CWD的父目录append the CWD's parent directory to the classpath

最后,将输出目录添加到类路径中。Finally, add the output directory to your classpath.

该类必须能够在类路径的某处找到。This class must be found somewhere on the classpath.

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但是要运行它,必须使用指向各个资源的格式良好的类路径。But to run, it requires a well-formatted classpath to the various resources.

安装好工具包并设置正确的类路径,就万事俱备了。Get your packages installed, your classpath set up, and you'll be ready to go.

想象一下,仅仅是给项目设置正确的类路径就会非常困难。Imagine how hard it could be just to set up a project with the right classpath.

这个文件必须在类路径中,否则运行代码将产生一个异常。This file must be in the classpath or running the code will generate an exception.

现在我们需要设置工作区中构建时和编译时类路径。We now need to setup the compile time classpath for builds and compilation in the workspace.

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这个实现假设所有需要的类都在这个类装入器的类路径中。This implementation assumes that all classes required are on the classpath of this class loader.

要将此类与您自已的应用程序结合使用,则需要在其类路径中包括您自已的数据类型。To use this class with your own application, you will need to include your own data types on its classpath.

此时起,您就能够编译这些文件且无需向默认的运行时类路径做任何添加了。From here, you should be able to compile these files without any additions to the default runtime classpath.

如果遇到这种情况,只需双击您的类路径,确保所有的必要依赖项已就绪。If that is the case, simply double-check your classpath to ensure that all of the required dependencies are in place.

开发者只需在其应用的classpath中将lucene-core.2.4.1.jar替换成lucene-core-gaze.2.4.1.jar即可。To install it a developer simply switches lucene-core.2.4.1.jar for lucene-core-gaze.2.4.1.jar on their application's classpath.

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好的工具可以为您节约反复处理类路径问题的大量时间,也不用您去记住特定的命令行选项。It saves you the hassle of dealing with classpath issues over and over again, as well as remembering specific command-line options.

真正的实现可能需要其他自定义类加载器,该加载器将搜索为编译提供的某些类路径。A real implementation may need another custom class loader that would search through some classpath provided just for the compilation.

第二个是类路径中可访问的任何内容,意味着构成内部内容的类都可以被调用方看到。The second is that anything on the classpath it is accessible, meaning the classes that make up the internals are visible to the caller.