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这就是所谓的收缩压。This is known as the systolic pressure.

像分数那样收缩的在上舒张的在下给出血压值。They're given as systolic over diastolic, like a fraction.

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结论养血清脑颗粒有降低SHR收缩压的作用。Conclusion YXQN can reduce the systolic blood pressure of SHR.

自动定位收缩和舒张末结束帧。Automatically locates the end systolic and end diastolic frames.

收缩期血压读数低于120被认为是正常的。A systolic blood pressure reading below 120 is considered normal.

在这些人中,绝大部分仅有收缩期高血压。Of those people, the vast majority just have systolic hypertension.

捉示窒息婴儿右心收缩和舒张功能受损。The detraction of systolic and diastolic function of right heart of.

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单纯收缩期高血压病人潜在着相当数量的高危。Patiens of semplice systolic hypertension have potentially high risk.

典型体征为心尖区闻及喀喇音和收缩期杂音。The typical sign was audible click and systolic murmur in cardiac apex.

结论TMLR可以改善心脏收缩和舒张功能。Conclusion TMLR can improve the systolic and diastolic function of heart.

但CEIA组收缩压和平均压的降低明显弱于IEIA组。However CEIA decreased systolic and mean blood pressures less than IEIA did.

左室前负荷、收缩功能改善。Left ventricular preload and systolic function were improved after the closure.

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在“笑声训练”中胆固醇水平和血压都有所下降。During the "laughercise" both cholesterol levels and systolic blood pressure fell.

当测量血压时,要读两个数据——心脏收缩压和心脏舒张压。When your blood pressure is measured, there are two readings -- systolic and diastolic.

若血管未获再通,其收缩压保持高水平的时间较血管再通者要长久。When recanalization failed, systolic BP remained elevated longer than when it succeeded.

这次饮用含糖汽水仍与收缩血压升高有关。And here, drinking sugary soda pop was again linked with elevated systolic blood pressure.

从起始时间到第12个月之间的收缩压变化是主要的结果测量标准。Systolic blood pressure change from baseline to 12 months was the primary outcome measure.

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与舒张末期容积比较,NTG对心脏收缩末期容积影响更大。Compared with end diastolic volume, NTG reduced the end systolic volume more significantly.

这样,全身血管都参加了舒缩运动。In this way, systemic blood vessels have participated in the systolic and diastolic motion.

当你听到连续两声搏动声,记录此读数为收缩压。When you hear two consecutive beats, record this pressure reading as the systolic pressure.