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她甚至派车和司机去接她的客人。She even sent her car and chauffeur to collect her guests.

那位司机除领取正常工资之外,还可以收点小费。Besides his regular wages,the chauffeur picks up money in tips.

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他没开过豪华轿车,于是问司机能不能让他开会儿。Having never driven a limo, he asked the chauffeur if he could drive for a while.

而且一直存在一种让专职司机开车的文化,我认为这种文化至今存在。There's always been a chauffeur culture too, and I think that still exists today.

由于他嗜酒成性,把私家司机的工作丢了。Because of this inebriety, he was discharged from his position as a family chauffeur.

我们是些拉着他们到处跑的司机,清理他们房子的清扫工,为他们打字的秘书。We are the people who chauffeur them around, clean their houses, type their speeches.

由于服侍太后,这位无能的司机在这场车祸中没有受到任何法律的制裁。In the service of the empress, this inept chauffeur faced no legal sanction for the mishap.

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奥黛丽-赫本饰演的萨布丽娜,是富有却肮脏的拉腊比庄园司机的女儿。Audrey Hepburn plays Sabrina, the daughter of a chauffeur to the obscenely rich Larrabee family.

想这是撒一个玻璃质的谎,又脆薄,又明亮,汽车夫定在暗笑。A lie of glass, thin acid transparent, he thought. The chauffeur must certainly be laughing to himself.

这是塞巴斯蒂安?特龙对未来日常交通的设想,到那时我们都有一个机器人司机替我们开车。This is Sebastian Thrun's vision of the daily commute once we are all in the hands of a robot chauffeur.

他们可以帮你找一个很棒的司机,带你去乌布村观光兜风。They were able to organise a fantastic chauffeur for us who took us around the delights of UBUD for the day.

“爸爸一开始给约翰·蒂什曼当司机,后来从事行政工作,为他处理个人事务,”赫西说。"Dad grew from being John Tishman's chauffeur to clerical work and helping him with personal business, " Mr.

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汽车夫赶快把车子调头,穿过了厂里的煤屑路,就从后门走了。The chauffeur quickly turned the car round, then drove back along the cinder path and out through the back gate.

就连我的汽车司机都有几百个女朋友,就像抽签抽到了与对的人在一块儿的合适的工作。Even my chauffeur has hundreds of girlfriends. Just the luck of the draw getting the right job with the right guy.

但是,和其他新兴市场一样,很多车主很少亲自开车,而是雇私人司机来代劳。But, as in other emerging markets, many owners rarely get behind the wheel and prefer to leave the driving to a chauffeur.

例如,作为司机的潘德说,他希望他的两个孩子能学到技术,让他们找到比司机更好的工作。For example, chauffeur Pande said he wants his two children to acquire skills that will help them do better jobs than driving.

继续故障汽车的类比,一位聪明的司机无疑会在这种难局下相当缓慢地驾驶。No doubt, to continue the analogy of the damaged automobile, a wise chauffeur might drive quite slowly under these difficult conditions.

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“赶快上汽车罢!福生,你去招呼一八八九号的新车子先开来。”荪甫不耐烦似的说。Let's hurry up and get to the cars, " said Wu Sun-fu impatiently. "Fu Sheng, go and tell the chauffeur to bring the new car round first. "

在一家小酒店里过夜的三个男人,一个侍者、一个烧炭工人,还有一位穿制服的替有钱旅行者开车的司机,修引擎修了一整晚。Three men, a waiter, a charcoal burner, and the uniformed chauffeur of wealthy travelers sleeping in the inn, workedall night on the engine.

有一个关于阿尔伯特爱因斯坦怎样在他开往大学的车上想到相对论的故事。There's a story about how ALbert Einstein was traveling to university in a chauffeur -driven car, delivering lectures on his theory relativity.