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关于它的来源,在国内这方面的探讨还很少见。On the source of it, there is very little discussion interiorly.

目前飞翼重工在全国设12个营销分公司,20个办事处。Up to now, FENY heavy industry has set up12 marketing branches and20 offices interiorly.

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时至今日,中国的文具制造业在国门之内,仍一直扮演着处于强势地位的角色。Even to this day, the Chinese stationery manufacturing still plays a dominant role interiorly.

企业道德责任问题在无论是在国外还是在国内都尚属一个较新的研究领域。The problem of corporate moral responsibility is new in research realm whether oversea or interiorly.

李瑜说,陈在内部的会议上会经常向高管们这样发问。Li Yu says, old the meeting on the conference of interiorly often to tall canal people such ask a question.

义务人内部仍然应当按照过错程度划分责任。Furthermore, the volunteers should still divide the liability interiorly according to the degrees of mistakes.

随着知识经济的发展,企业必须使知识在企业内部流动从而获得更大的价值。Along with the development of knowledge economy, enterprises must make knowledge flow interiorly to gain more value.

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产品不仅畅销国内各城市,并远销欧美,东南亚,中东等各地区。The product not only moving off interiorly but also marketing at Occident, Southeast of Asia, Middle East and so on.

具有挡浪设施的高桩码头是国内近年来采用的一种新型水工结构型式,具有防浪、透流、防止泥沙回淤和造价低等优点。Hght-pile wharf with wave-block facilities is a new type of the hydraulic structure adopted interiorly in recent years.

在管理内部环境的诸多要素中,人的因素无疑是最活跃和最有潜力的。Interiorly environmental in many main factors, the person's factor is the most active and have most the potential doubtless.

同时,慈湖对佛家的宽容庇度和他「薄海内外,皆吾赤子」的精神有著内在的一致之处。Meanwhile, Cihu's catholicity to Confucianism consisted interiorly with his spirit of "home and abroad, universally my sons."

国内,近年来随着这类事例的增多,也开展了许多这方面的研究,并取得了一些成功的经验。Interiorly , with the increase of these examples in recent years, some study is developed and some successful experience is obtained.

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不同类型的新同音词在使用范围、语用色彩等方面有很大的差异,另外它的内部也有相当大的不平衡性。Different kinds of new homonyms are different from one another in using scope and language using color. Moreover, they are quite imbalanced interiorly.

所以,有必要加强植被护坡技术及其景观设计在国内的系统研究与应用。So, the research and application of the technology of protecting slope by vegetation and the method of designing landscape need be enhanced interiorly.

封网期间,我们还会在内部人员中加强自身的治理和服务体系,为以后的发展做好预备。During block, we still can enhance the system of administrative kimono Wu of oneself in interiorly personnel, for ready-made of the following development.

而昨日九城总裁陈晓薇曾在内部表示不会向网易折价出售魔兽的服务器资料。And yesterday Chen Xiaowei of 9 cities president ever the server data that interiorly represents to won't market demon animal to Netease convert into money.

威利坚公司研制的国家重点技术创新项目——聚氯乙烯多层共挤宽幅发泡板挤出生产线处于国内领先水平。The national stress technology creative program------PVC multi-layer co-extruding broad foam sheet extruding product line is at the leading level interiorly.

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相对剩余劳动力必须依靠农业生产经营方式的转变进行内部消化,绝对剩余劳动力的外部转移重点在城乡“中间带”。Relative surplus must be absorbed interiorly and absolute surplus should be mostly transferred exteriorly to the interconnection between rural and urban areas.

它不涉及社会主义与资本主义间的意识形态争论及制度选择,而是资本主义社会内部出现的一种社会改良主义。It does not involve ideology argument and system choice between the socialism and the capitalism, but is one kind of reformism that the capitalist society interiorly appears.

此外,为使试验与国内有可比性,同时进一步优化流道型线,又按有关要求进行了追加试验,取得了满意的结果。What's more, to make the test comparable interiorly and optimize the flow passage shape, we superadd tests according to related requirements and it makes a satisfactory seat.