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潘说当地的医疗设施正在逐步改善。Poon said the medical infrastructure was gradually improving.

他坐在胡桐树下的座椅上,显得那么孤单。Poon , he sat under a tree on the seat, it appears to be alone.

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潘宗光在仪式上发表了讲话。Professor Poon Chung-kwong at the ceremony, delivered a speech.

1985年,何素珊并先后随史提芬逊和潘德女士学习管风琴。In 1985, she started studying organ with Stephenson and later with Poon Tak.

于演讲完毕时潘国生致送纪念品给曾志祥。Jimmy Poon presenting a souvenir to Augustine Tsang at the end of his presentation.

约400位同学和老师们享受当晚的盆菜宴,以及多元化的表演节目。Around 400 students and teaching faculty enjoyed the Chinese traditional dish of "Poon Choi" and variety shows.

进食时应尽量减去酱汁,因盆底的酱汁含大量油份,亦应避免用酱汁拌饭吃。No mixing – avoid the poon choi sauce because it usually contains too much oil. Try not to mix the sauce with rice.

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与这些乐手同台演出的是香港城市室乐团,指挥是潘明伦。The City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong backed up the entire ensemble and Johnny Poon was the conductor of the concert.

据委员会主席潘振国教授说,在这一点上,香港落后于新加坡几乎十年。Professor Poon Chung-kong, who chairs the committee, said Hong Kong was almost a decade behind Singapore in this regard.

捐赠期间,潘宗光还在吉首大学张家界校区进行了讲学和参观。During the donation, Professor Poon Chung-kwong also Zhangjiajie Jishou University campus to give lectures and carry out the visit.

基督教研究中心主任潘乃昭博士牧师现在会宣布那些将要领取宣教学证书的名单。The Director of CSCA, Rev Canon Dr Michael Poon will present the names of those who have completed the Certificate in Mission Studies.

不再仅仅是良好的照顾,而且还有宜居水平,以及居住在一座伟大城市的兴奋——生物多样性就是其中一部分。Poon. "It's no longer about being well tended, but also about the liveability, the excitement of living in a great city — and biodiversity is part of it."

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同学们都享受当晚的盆菜宴,以及多元化的表演节目,包括歌手陈伟霆先生的表演、舞蹈表演,以及魔术表演。All the participants enjoyed the Chinese traditional dish of "Poon Choi" and variety shows including singer performance of Mr. William Chan, dance performance, and magic show.

该校53名获得捐赠的家庭经济困难的寒门学子,感激地从潘宗光手里接过每人5000元人民币的助学证书和部分学习书籍。The school was donated by 53 families of students Hanmen, Poon Chung-kwong, from the grateful hands of 5000 yuan per person to take over the student certificate and some books to study.