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这是他们在索后买的旧货。He bought it second-hand in Soho.

这是他在索后买的旧货。He bought them second-hand in Soho.

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你能跟我们讲讲SOHO吗?Can you tell us about the SOHO area?

悬挂椅子是从苏荷空运过来的。The hanging chair is from Aero in Soho.

他转进苏合的幽静的角落里。He turned into the quiet corner in Soho.

苏荷的一切,充满期待,满载欢乐。SOHO everything, full of hope, full of joy.

能给我们描述下你在SOHO参观过的工作室吗?Can you describe studios you visited in the SoHo area?

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你在SOHO有什么个人经历吗?Have you had any personal experiences in the SoHo area?

只要你会电脑,就可以在家工作,快乐的SOHO族。If you computer, you can work at home and a happy SOHO.

OHO最近变化很大,你对此有什么看法?SOHO has changed a lot recently. What do you think of that?

真是挺贵的,也许就因为这是苏豪区吧。That’s pretty expensive, probably just because it was Soho.

他在纽约苏荷区参观了许多艺术画廊。He visited many art gallery in the Soho area of New York City.

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她的婶婶在娱乐行业工作,住在SOHO。who works in the entertainment industry and she lives in SoHo.

这是在邮件中对我发现第一颗SOHO彗星的祝贺语。Congratulations for Hanjie Tan, on his first SOHO comet discovery!

那里有许多设计商店,著名的SOHO就在那里,There's lots of designer stores there, the famous SoHo house is there

成功者包括万达集团和SOHO中国集团,将有巨大的收益。Winners included Wanda Group and SOHO China, which posted huge gains.

我今天晚上就可以去索霍区,然后到你家里去。I could go to Soho in theevening, and come to your chambers afterwards.

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好的,唐人街在闹市区,在金融区前面,过了SOHO就是。Ok, Chinatown is downtown like, before the financial district, past SoHo.

令我们回想起布宜诺斯艾利斯--年轻、多姿多彩且活力四射的苏豪区。They remind us of the Soho area of Buenos Aires – young, hip, and lively.

我们可以从太阳日光层观测卫星的日冕仪中证实磁绳在那里。We could verify that the flux ropewas there in the coronagraph from SOHO.