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这正是卡梅伦先生想要看到的,他也曾为此而努力。Mr Cameron has striven to make it so.

这正是中国哲学要努力做到的。This is what Chinese philosophy has striven for.

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他努力变革美国的外交政策。He had striven for arevolutioninAmerican foreign policy.

谁甘愿做二流三流?那就争取做一流!Who is willing do second-class 3 stream?That is striven for do top-ranking!

自20年前吉恩-马克博迪吉继承家族产业的第一天起,他就坚持不懈地力争将所有的事情做到最好。Since he took over the family estate 20 years ago, Jean-Mare has always striven to do better.

你们马上就要踏上征程去进行一场伟大的圣战,为此我们已精心准备了数月。you are about to embark upon the great crusade towards which we have striven these many months.

昨天他又约我今天一定交还,不料他忽而被人谋死。He invited me to definitely render unto today again yesterday, didn't expect he was striven for dead.

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他不能让自己承认他终生为之奋斗的东西正在日益土崩瓦解。He could not bring himself to admit the growing disintegration of what he had striven all his life to achieve.

没错,提供能上手的、不断突破的环境,找到这些答案,这就是我一直渴求SDT会议达成的目标。Yes, a hands-on, boundary-pushing environment to find these answers is what I've always striven for at the SDTConf.

麦片,不像其他的谷物早餐,一直在广告注意力市场里,为攻陷新的领土而奋斗着。Wheaties, more than most breakfast cereals, has always striven to break new ground in attention-grabbing advertising.

独立的印度,仅仅五十年加,一直努力难以重新建立的联系的一些传统的过去。什么是,在传统舞蹈方面?Independent India, a mere fifty years plus, has striven hard to re-establish some of the links to the traditional past.

出于这一矛盾心理,法院一直努力避免过于深入地贯彻执行“切弗伦”案所代表的尊重原则。Because of this ambivalence , courts have striven to avoid carrying the principle of deference represented by Chevron too far.

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两千年来,男人们一直力求给希腊式的傲慢和天真找回一丝体面,力求减少肉身的裸露,让着装复杂化。For twenty centuries men have striven to give decency to Greek insolence and naivete, to diminish the flesh and complicate dress.

目前来看,一些国内大型知名企业通过网络对其品牌进行传播,已经略显成效。Nowadays, Many famous large-scale enterprises in China are having striven in the Internet, and have already displayed a bit effect.

但总的看来,法院一直努力避免承认用尽方法要求的例外,否则,那些例外最终将会取消这一规则。On the whole, however, courts have striven to avoid recognizing exceptions to the exhaustion requirement that would swallow the rule.

回答这些问题时,我尽量避免那种太常见的关于马克思、恩格斯和马克思主义的评论的谬误。In answering these questions I have striven to avoid certain fallacies which are all too common in the literature on Marx Engels and Marxism.

公司确立了“精益求精,以质为本,履行承诺,以客为主”的质量方针。The company established "has striven for perfection, take the nature as the book, the fulfillment pledged, by guest primarily" quality policy.

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在漫长的历史进程中,中国人民为获得发展机会,改善发展条件,共享发展成果,进行了不懈奋斗。In the long course of history, the Chinese people have always striven for better and shared development opportunities, conditions and benefits.

由于捐赠者陷入了财政困境,我们要付出更多的努力来兑现承诺,还要叫上我们的国际合作者来做同样的事情。As donors in a difficult budget environment, we have striven to keep our promises and we are calling on our international partners to do the same.

为了办好2006年国际射联广州世界杯赛,中国射击协会和本届组委会做了大量工作。The Chinese Shooting Association and the Organizing Committee have striven hard to make the ISSF World Cup Guangzhou 2006 an outstanding competition.