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安装前照灯调平系统开关。Install switch for headlight levelling system.

在坦桑尼亚的艾滋病疫情趋于稳定!The AIDS epidemic in Tanzania is levelling off!

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他们11月份的工作主要是平整土地。In November their work centred round levelling fields.

他们先得平地,然后再造梯田。注意,注意力集中。They had to do the levelling first and then the terracing.

所有劳动力都出来整修梯田,排除积水。They had to do the levelling first and then the terracing.

整平爆破通常用垂直炮眼进行。Levelling is usually carried out with vertical drill holes.

提出一种测试辊涂涂料流平性的新方法。A new method for testing the levelling of roller coating paint was proposed.

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这种文献倡导普遍的禁欲主义和粗陋的平均主义。It inculcated universal asceticism and social levelling in its crudest form.

热脱附处理后的清洁土壤可以用于土地平整。The clean soil after thermal desorption disposal can be used for earth levelling.

对于实现在大学领域的公平竞争这个目标,到目前为止是很令人满意的。As for the goal of levelling the academic playing field, the state is pleased so far.

我们将有五人情况年底游戏和平整经验。We'll have five-person instances at the end-game and for the levelling up experience.

导出了调平误差的计算公式,提供了一些有实用价值的数据。The computing formula of levelling error is developed and some valuable data are provided.

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传感水准器可在自动化观测变形中应用。The transducing levelling instrument can be used for automatic observation on deformation.

这可能会减少亚洲出口的动力,如今其出口可能已经在原地踏步。That will take some of the steam out of Asia’s exports, which may already be levelling off.

这为高温分散匀染剂的选择提供一定的理论基础。A theoretical basis was proposed for the selection of high temp. dispersant levelling agents.

在该震区地震前后做了一些大地测量的复测工作。Repeated levelling surveys have been made at the seismic areas before and after the earthquake.

介绍了DNA03数字水准仪在沉降测量中的应用。The paper presents the application of DNA03 digital levelling instrument in settlement measurement.

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记者在现场报告,推土机正在推平地面,以搭建更多的帐篷。Bulldozers have been levelling ground so that more camps can be set up, reporters at the scene said.

确定水准线路的权和误差模型是当前国际上感兴趣的问题之一。The determination of observation weights and error models in levelling networks is a current problem.

然后,迈赫迪军蜂拥入城,袭击了数所警察局,用炸药将其夷为平地。The Mahdi Army then swarmed into town and overran several police stations, levelling them with explosives.