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将时钟拨快一小时。Put a clock an hwe facing.

米莉正面临驱逐出境。Milly is facing deportation.

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请面向西南站立。Please stand facing southwest.

叉齿应该朝上。The tines should be facing up.

完成领口和贴边。Finish the neckline and facing.

平静地坐着,面对报告人。Sit quietly, facing the speaker.

杰克慢慢地爬起来,面对着她。Jake gets up, slowly, facing her.

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当面朝北坐时,从右到左排。When facing north, right to left.

你素面朝天你笑靥如花。You are facing the day you smile.

制动衬片间隙大。Big clearance of the brake facing.

它有一个朝东的大窗子。It has a large window facing east.

宽端的缝现在应该面朝外。The seam should now be facing out.

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黑方面临第一个问题。Black is facing the first problems.

我要一间朝南的、安静的房间。I prefer a quiet room facing south.

我在找一间朝南的房间。They lived in a house facing south.

我们订了一间面向花园的房间。We orderd a room facing the garden.

朝北有什么不好吗?What's wrong with its facing north?

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并且,我还开始面对丧夫寡居的生活。I was also facing life newly widowed.

他们面临的是个大问题。Jilt They were facing a real problem.

他们住在一间朝东的房间里。They lived in a room facing the east.