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我可以替您系上围兜吗?May I tie on your bib?

婴儿的名字在围兜上。The baby is wearing a bib.

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婴儿已经把围兜弄湿了。Baby has slobbered his bib.

褶围兜装饰傻眼了。Pleated bib adorns the bodice.

婴儿正戴着一个围兜。The baby's name is on the bib.

好了,把围嘴摘下来,去那边玩去吧。Ok , take off the bib . Go to play.

她在儿子下巴底下系上围嘴。She tied a bib under her son's chin.

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“织围脖”即“写微博”。"woven bib " or "write microblogging.

这个防漏围兜您将不愿意抛。The leak-proof bib you'll hate to toss.

这个婴儿正在流口水,流遍整个围嘴。The baby was slobbering all over her bib.

它很沉,像一件大号围裙。It's heavy and resembles an oversized bib.

戴上围嘴。现在可以吃饭。Put on your bib. Now you are ready to eat.

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较大的幼儿可用短带的围嘴。The old child may use a bib with short ties.

好了!戴上围嘴。现在可以吃饭了。Ok! Put on the bib. Now you are ready to eat!

不要把它塞在你的皮带里,或是将其当围兜用。Don't tuck it into your belt or use it as bib.

好了!戴上围嘴。现在可以吃饭了。Ok! Put on the bib . Now you are ready to eat !

不要把它塞在你的皮带里,或将其当作围嘴儿用。Don' t tuck it into your belt or use it as a bib.

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有两件红色的棉马夹,四个围嘴,还有好几双袜子。There were two cotton red vest, four bib and socks.

为了您的尿布袋,一些衣服和一个围兜。For your bag with the diapers, some clothes and a bib.

我再喂奶给她时,她把奶淌到了围涎上。I fed milk to her again but she slobbered it on her bib.