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他们都很聪明。They are very intelligent.

智能很好地读。Intelligent very well read.

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这个方法是智能的。This method is intelligent.

这个女孩看起来聪明伶俐。The girl looked intelligent.

熊是智力高的动物。Bear is a intelligent animal.

熊是智力高的动物。Bear is an intelligent animal.

李红是个伶俐的小学生。Li Hong is an intelligent pupil.

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她有一双机灵的大眼睛。She has large, intelligent eyes.

我会抽空去参观世博机械人展览。Intelligent Robots, It's come true.

我说,"让我看看,'昧',它的意思是聪明、机灵。Imbecile.'It means smart, intelligent.

牐牐矗?智慧的代价是矛盾。The intelligent cost is contradictory.

你认为埃及人拥有高智慧吗?。Do you think Egyptians are intelligent?

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智能型运输系统?。Intelligent Transportation System, ITS?

警犬一般都很聪明。Police dogs are often very intelligent.

海豚比鱼更聪明。Dolphins are more intelligent than fish.

晚饭时充满智慧的对谈。Intelligent conversations at suppertime.

聪明绝顶的完美主义者。Fiercely intelligent and a perfectionist.

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他是个极有聪明才智的音乐家。He is an incredibly intelligent musician.

智能电话报警系统设计。The Design of Intelligent Telephone Alar.

那他还真是聪明绝顶啊。This shows he was incredibly intelligent.