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时代华纳是美国在线的母公司。Time Warner is parent company of AOL.

Warner医生则被一位悲愤的母亲射杀了。Dr. Warner was shot by a grieving mother.

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以前碰到这种情况的时候,我会打电话给时代华纳公司求助。I have called Time Warner for help in the past.

把这批货用快车运交华纳和史密斯。Consign these goods to Warner and Smith by express.

欢迎来到卡通华纳的快乐世界!Sent to the merry world of cartoons studio Warner Bros!

马德里华纳乐园许偌知足所有的家庭的必要!Parque Warner Madrid promises to cater for all the family!

华纳兄弟唱片公司是华纳音乐集团旗下的公司。Warner Bros. Records is a unit of Warner Music Group Corp.

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他们从六月起将只支持蓝光射线格式。Warner Brothers will support only Blu-ray starting in June.

我经常把东西蒂沃到我那台华纳数码视频录像机里面。I TiVo stuff on my piece of junk Time Warner DVR all the time.

该套件的另一半将由华纳罗宾斯安装。The other half of the kits will be installed by Warner Robins.

我上周末在华纳威秀遇见我的一个同学。I ran into one of my classmates last weekend at Warner Village.

华纳因为收买选票丑闻接受了调查。Mr Warner was being investigated over a cash-for-votes scandal.

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国际足联称哈曼和华纳如今将面临全面调查。FIFA says bin Hammam and Warner will now face a full FIFA inquiry.

时代华纳愿会给TCI三亿六千万美圆购买南方卫星这家公司。Time Warner will pay TCI 360 million for Southern Satellite company.

时代华纳公司公布了高于预期的一季度业绩。Time Warner posted better-than-expected results for the first quarter.

它在在纽约时代华纳中心也有广播中心。It also has broadcasting centers at Time Warner Center in New York City.

沃纳解释,六段视频中每一个都是这样记录下来,他也是按以上步骤制作它们的。Warner explains what’s in each of these six videos, and how he made them.

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终于,他引起了华纳兄弟唱片公司经纪人的关注。He eventually caught the attention of executives at Warner Brothers Records.

例如,鲍勃·皮特曼要向美国在线—时代华纳的首席执行官杰拉尔德·…Bill Pittman, for example, reported to Gerald Levin, the CEO of AOL-Time Warner.

可以确定的是华纳电影公司绝对不会再雇用他,而且HBO也已经让他吃了闭门羹。Certainly Warner Bros. won't want him back, and HBO have already turned him down.