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他轻而易举地击败保守党党魁阿兰、凯耶斯当选。He won the election easily over arch-conservative Alan Keyes.

凯斯博士将在洛斯博士介绍的基础上继续深入探讨。Dr. Keyes will follow up on the introduction to the topic by Dr.

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作为第六季冠军,她已经和艾莉西亚·凯斯、乔纳斯兄弟一起参加了巡回演出。The season six winner has toured with Alicia Keyes and the Jonas Brothers.

据NPR新闻的艾莉森·凯斯报道,美国的示威者希望保护他们的持枪权利。NPR's Allison Keyes tells US demonstrators want to protect their gun rights.

今天我们会关注受到影响的税收,但对于马丁·凯斯而言这是一种新的观点。A day effected in taxes but it's a new perspective on the trave on Martin Keyes.

他们所不知道的是,我忍不住要认真地对待凯斯先生。What they didn't understand was that I could not help but take Mr. Keyes seriously.

非洲裔美国人保守派,凯斯以他热烈的讲话风格著称。An African-American conservative, Keyes was best known for his rousing speaking style.

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当对手是艾伦。凯斯时,这种回避的策略也许对进步主义者适用。Such strategies of avoidance may work for progressives when the opponent is Alan Keyes.

接下来的几个月里,凯斯为堕胎权利的支持而攻击奥巴马。Through the next several months, Keyes attacked Obama for his support of abortion rights.

据NPR新闻的艾莉森·凯斯报道,各个地方的领导人现在都在向众议院施压,要求其采取行动。And as NPR's Allison Keyes tells us leaders everywhere are pressing the House to move now.

但凯斯认为公司承担不了这么多钱,所以我们放弃了这个想法。But Keyes felt the company couldn’t afford to keep losing so much money, so we pulled the plug.

据NPR新闻的艾利森·凯斯报道,科莫呼吁重新设计交通系统和公用事业系统。NPR's Allison Keyes says Cuomo is calling for a redesign of transportation and utility systems.

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理查德·凯斯于1987年毕业于艺术中心学院并获得图形设计学位。Richard Keyes graduated from Art Center College of Design with a graphic design degree in 1987.

当奥巴马在芝加哥另一个游行队伍里经过凯斯时候,他挤过人群试图和他说话。When Obama ran across Keyes at another parade in Chicago, he rushed over and tried to talk to him.

在八月初,伊利诺州的共和党选出艾伦凯斯作为他们的参议员候选人。In early August, the Republican party in Illinois chose Alan Keyes as its candidate for the Senate.

奥巴马和凯斯都是芝加哥年度…游行的一部分,这个游行贯穿芝加哥南区。Obama and Keyes were both part of Chicago's yearly Bud Billiken Parade, which runs through the city's South Side.

NPR的艾利森·凯斯说,纽约市长布隆伯格敦促居民在风暴来临时,注意避难。NPR's Allison Keyes says New York Mayor Bloomberg is urging some residents to take shelter as the storm approaches.

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凯斯首先发现的其中一项结果是,七个国家的冠心病发病率One of the initial things that Keyes found is that there was as much as a ten-fold difference in rates of coronary disease.

一个心理上弱智的小管理员接受了一项具有突破性意义的外科手术,使得其智商提高了三倍。Flowers for Algernon. Daniel Keyes. A mentally retarded custodian undergoes a breakthrough surgical technique that triples his IQ.

迪格比,罗伯特.温特,贝茨,格兰特于1月30日被处决,托马斯.温特,卢克伍德,凯斯与次日执行死刑。Digby, Robert Wintour, Bates and Grant were executed on 30 January, with Thomas Wintour, Rookwood, Keyes and Fawkes dying the next day.