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赭曲霉素A是一种毒枝菌素,据知对肾脏有毒性作用。Ochratoxin A is a mycotoxin known to be toxic to the kidneys.

如果忽略面条面粉的原产地,如何控制霉菌毒素?What are mycotoxin controls or country of origin if exempt of flour for noodles?

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谷物中发现的毒枝菌素。结合核糖体,抑制。Mycotoxin found in cereals. Binds to the ribosome and inhibits protein synthesis.

桔青霉素是能引起肾脏毒性的真菌毒素,并有致癌性。Citrinin is a mycotoxin which can induce renal dysfunction, and it is tumorigenic.

麦考酚酸是一种普通的青霉菌代谢物,于二十世纪三十年代首次报道,是一种可能的真菌毒素。Mycophenolic acid is a common Penicillium metabolite first reported in the 1930s as a possible mycotoxin.

欧盟已经考虑对欧盟市场上霉菌毒素灭活产品制定相关法律。The EU is leading the way regarding the legislation to put mycotoxin deactivating products on the EU market.

伏马菌B1是由念珠镰刀菌类生成的,而其中比较主要的菌类被发现存在于玉米中。Fumonisin B1 is a mycotoxin produced by the fungus Fusarium moniliforme, one of the major species found in corn.

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丙烯醯胺、咖啡因、农药、循环化合物和真菌毒素,你想咖啡可能最坏就这些了吧!With acrylamide, caffeine, furan, and mycotoxin poison in a cup of coffee, you probably think nothing more could be wrong with coffee.

桔霉素是一种真菌毒素,作用的靶器官是肾脏,可以致畸、诱发肿瘤、突变等。However citrinin produced in the growth process of monascus is a mycotoxin and will induce teratogenicity carcinogenicity and mutagencity.

生物技术的应用和发展使得真菌的鉴定和毒素的检测更为准确、便捷。The application and development of biotechnology makes the identification of fungus and detection of mycotoxin become more correct and convenient.

OA是一种具有强肾脏毒和肝脏毒的真菌毒素,并有致畸、致突变和致癌作用。Toxicological studies have indicated that OA is a teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic mycotoxin and is strong toxic effect on kidney and liver.

结果3省一致性出现的大骨节病致病危险因素有谷物受真菌毒素污染严重、低硒、卫生条件差。Results The severe cereal mycotoxin contamination, selenium-deficiency and poor sanitation condition were three prominent risk factors in the 3 provinces.

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毒理学研究表明,赭曲霉毒素A具有很强的肝脏毒性和肾脏毒性,并有致畸、致突变和致癌作用。Toxicological studies indicated that ochratoxin A is a teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic mycotoxin with the strong toxic effects on liver and kidney.

本文从霉菌的产生、霉菌毒素的危害以及对其的防治措施等四方面对霉菌毒素进行了概括性的阐述。In this paper, produced from the mold, mold toxins, as well as against the control measures on their face, such as the Quartet for the generality of mycotoxin elaboration.

在潜在的污染物中,霉菌毒素是最常见的,尤其是在炎热潮湿的条件下,因此消除霉菌毒素污染必须是饲养策略当中的一项措施。Of the potential contaminants, mycotoxins are the most widespread, particularly in hot, humid conditions, and mycotoxin decontamination must be a part of feeding strategies.

综述了具有抗突变活性的乳酸菌对膳食中真菌毒素、杂环胺等诱变剂的去除作用。Specific strains of lactic acid bacteria possessing antimutagenic properties are suggested to remove mutagenic contaminants of foods such as mycotoxin and heterocyclic amine.

上海三维饲料添加剂有限公司成立于一九九五年,是专业生产饲料防霉剂、抗氧化剂及霉菌毒素吸附剂和预混剂的企业。Shanghai Sanwei Feed Additive Co. , Ltd was found in 1995 as a company producing feed additives, such as feed mould inhibitor, feed antioxidant, mycotoxin absorbent and premix.

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从霉菌毒素的产生条件及其在分子水平上的作用机理叙述了霉菌毒素及其危害,综述了霉菌毒素脱毒剂的研究概况,并展望了未来的脱毒剂的研究方向。The harm and function mechanism based on molecular were described, the research situations of adsorbent of mycotoxin were summarized, and the future research direction were prospected.

本文介绍了粮食饲料中真菌毒素的危害,并给出了可能的预防和控制措施。Therefore the purpose of this paper gives an overview of the risk and hazard of mycotoxins and possible prevention and control strategies of mycotoxin contamination in grain feedstuffs.