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谁发明了苹果皮勒?。Who Invented the Apple Peeler?

什么是苹果削皮机及取样器?。What is an Apple Peeler & Corer?

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这是个集去苹果心、削皮和切片为一体的小装置。A doohickey is an apple corer, peeler and slicer.

我把它们都放在水槽里,那儿有个削皮器。I've put them all in the sink and there's a peeler.

还有,为什么会有六个咖啡机,却连个蔬菜削皮器都没呢?Also, what’s up with the six coffee makers and not a single vegetable peeler?

橘子削皮刀,锯齿辣椒刀,酸橙蔬菜刀和紫红削皮刀。Orange paring knife, serrated pepper, lime and purple vegetable peeler knife.

削皮器是一种特殊类型的刀,用来去除蔬菜或水果的表皮。Peeler is a special type of knife for removing the skin from fruit or vegetables.

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我们的专家在这里教你如何使用这个免费视频炊具苹果削皮及取样器。Our expert is here to teach you how to use an apple peeler and corer in this free video on cooking utensils.

当我洗它的时候,皮儿被搓掉了。它们的皮儿特别软也特别薄。我不能用刮皮儿器去削皮儿,我用了勺子。This one is peeled when I washed it. Their skin is soft and thin. I can't use my peeler to peel them, I use my spoon.

皮特里签约的自由球员还包括中锋维拉德。迪瓦兹和后卫鲍比。杰克逊和皮勒。Petrie 's Sacramento free agent signees have included the likes of center Vlade Divac and guards Bobby Jackson and Peeler.

削皮机里面的小刀沿着黑条划开套管,然后蒸汽把套管吹离热狗。Inside the peeler machine, a tiny knife slits each casing along the tie. Then, steamy air blows the casings right off the dogs.

首先,把马铃薯削皮。最好的办法是使用一个削皮器,比起用小刀,你会保留更多土豆。First, peel the potatoes. It's best to use a proper peeler as you will save a lot of the vegetable in comparison to using a knife.

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米尔沃基雄鹿交易后卫萨姆。卡塞尔和中锋埃文。约翰逊而得到米尼苏达森林狼后卫安东尼。皮勒和前锋乔。史密斯。Milwaukee Bucks trade guard Sam Cassell and center Ervin Johnson to the Minnesota Timberwolves for guard Anthony Peeler and forward Joe Smith.

丢掉削皮机吧,吃蔬菜和水果的“果皮”更加能有效地促使人体吸收维生素、达到精力充沛的目的。Drop the peeler — eating the skins of fruit and vegetables could boost your nutritional intake of vitamins, combat cancer and increase your energy levels.

吃水果请不要削皮,吃蔬菜和水果的皮,促进维他命营养的吸收,抵抗癌症,更能增强体质。Drop the peeler — ¬eating the skins of fruit and ¬vegetables could boost your nutritional intake of vitamins, combat cancer and increase your energy levels.

本文在有限元应力分析的基础上建立了虹吸离心机转鼓整体优化计算的数学模型,并对实际转鼓进行了优化计算。In this paper, base on the finite elements stress analysis, the mathematic model of the optimum calculation of siphon peeler centrifuge basket is been built.

挂在货架上的塑料带,陈列那些顾客们看不到就不会想到去买的商品。例如挂在马铃薯旁的去皮器。A strip of plastic which hooks onto a shelf to display things customers wouldn't buy unless they saw it. For example a potato peeler displayed next to potatoes.

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CNCS发言人削皮希望,这项研究提供的信息,他们需要动员更多的美国人,以帮助满足紧迫的需要和非营利组织的官员。CNCS spokeswoman Peeler hopes the study provides officials and non-profit groups with the information they need to mobilize more Americans to help meet pressing needs.

一种篾帘式蒜瓣剥皮器,包括竹篾,一片片竹篾通过细线连接成帘状。The invention relates to a thin bamboo strip curtain type garlic clove peeler comprising thin bamboo strips which are connected to form the shape of a curtain by strings.

当用该集皮水果刨的刨口刨削水果皮时,被刨削下的水果皮会被自动地收集在筒体内。The peeled fruit peel can be collected in the cylinder body automatically when the peeling opening of fruit peeler with a peel collector is used for peeling the fruit peel.