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神经毡中可见到生长锥和有髓纤维。Growth cones and myelinated fibers can be seen in neuropil.

再生纤维主要为细小的有髓神经纤维。The regenerating fibers were mainly small myelinated fibers.

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特别是他们额叶的髓鞘并未完全发育In particular, they're not fully myelinated in their frontal lobes.

结果表明,视神经中可见有髓纤维和无髓纤维。There are myelinated and unmyelinated fibers in alligator's optic nerve.

神经毡内无髓纤维最多,有髓纤维稀少。Most ofthe fibers in the neuropil are unmyelinated, and myelinated fibers are scarce.

超微结构观察可见轴索及轴索内线粒体肿胀、变性,病程后期见到髓鞘变性偶见轴索萎缩。The degeneration of the myelin sheath to various degrees and occasional atrophy of myelinated fibers of the axon.

髓鞘的形成也同样发生在发展过程之中,实际上,髓鞘的形成贯穿整个发展过程,即便是青少年的髓鞘也并未完全发育完善That also happens through development, and in fact, it goes through development and even teenagers are not fully myelinated.

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深部松果体中存在大量来自缰核和后连合的有髓和无髓神经纤维。Numerous myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers coming from the habenular and the posterior commissure reached the deep pineal gland.

电生理和病理结果显示轴突丢失主要累及粗有髓纤维。The electrophysiologic and pathologic findings indicate a pattern of axonal loss that predominantly affects large-caliber myelinated fibers.

一年后,除其他因素外,研究者测定了患者腿部外周神经中有髓纤维密度。Among other factors, the trial measured myelinated fiber density in a peripheral nerve in the leg in participants over the course of the year.

而既然如此,那为什么还是存在着一些没有髓鞘的细小神经纤维呢?And as a corollary, why are some nerve fibers still small and unmyelinated in an organism which has acquired the ability to grow large and myelinated ones?

而比较中央棋切面有鞘神经轴突数目,发现使用脱水处理过之静脉导管组与未处理过者在神经再生上结果相似。The regenerating ability through both lyophilized or unlyophilized venous conduits was judged by comparing the number of regenerated vessels and myelinated axons.

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腓肠神经半薄切片未见明显洋葱球样结构形成,可见有髓纤维密度明显减少,大量薄髓鞘有髓神经纤维和有髓神经纤维再生簇形成。Semithin transverse sections of sural nerve showed a decreased density of large myelinating fibers and a large number of clusters of mostly thinly myelinated axons.

为研究哺乳动物有髓神经纤维的电特性,建立了一个基于简单的无穷大、各向同性的容积导体模型的仿真系统。A simulation system for studying the electrical properties of mammalian myelinated nerve fibers was built based on a simple infinite and homogeneous volume conductor model.

结果实验组神经传导速度、再生的有髓神经纤维横截面积、数目均优于对照组。Results It was found that nerve conduction velocity, regenerated myelinated nerve fiber cross section area and number of nerve fiber were superior to those of the contrast.

以网际网路来类比,脑子里的所有讯息传递都应该要越快越好,也就是说,所有轴突的髓鞘都应该相同。It might seem that, by analogy to the Internet, all information in the brain should be transmitted as quickly as possible. That would mean all axons should be equally myelinated.

以及产生束外有髓和无髓轴突无规则生长会导致神经纤维错向再生,造成严重的联带运动的不足。Irregular growth of extrapyramidal myelinated and non-myelinated axons can lead to the fault regeneration of nerve fibers, causing serious shortcomings associated with the movement.

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组有髓神经纤维数目明显少,束膜结构不完整,有髓神经纤维鞘可见板层样分离。In group B the number of myelinated nerve fiber was obviously fewer structure of nerve fascicles was incomplete and layer-like separation could be observed in the myelinated nerve fiber.

对照大鼠海马CA3区多形层内含有大量无髓纤维并见到较少的轴-树突触。The microstructure of the oriens layer of the CA3 region of the hippocampus in the control animal was composed of lots of unmyelinated fibers and less myelinated fibers under electron microscopy.

神经近段与远段内的有髓神经纤维,在数量上没有明显差异,但神经近段一般均较神经远段粗,而神经远段的神经纤维密度较近段的大。There was no obvious difference in quantity of myelinated nerve fibre between the proximal and distal segments but proximal nerve fiber was greater than distal one in diameter and less in density.