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通常单子叶植物的组织培养与再生比双子叶植物困难。In general the monocotyledon is more difficult than dicotyledon in tissue culture.

对双子叶杂草的活性明显优于对单子叶杂草的活性。The herbicidal activity on dicotyledon weeds is better than on monocotyledon weeds.

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被子植物中单子叶植物475种,双子叶植物567种。In angiosperms there are 475 species of monocotyledon and 567 species of dicotyledon.

通过对传统的植物叶片气孔观察方法的改良,建立了一种观察单子叶植物气孔的有效方法。We have built an efficient method to observe the stomata of monocotyledon by improving the traditional one.

计划首先在单子叶植物播种方面进行研究和样机试制。The plan is firstly studied at the aspect that the monocotyledon is sowed and prototype of a machine trial-production.

由于水稻的基因组相对于其它单子叶植物来说比较小,所以已经成为研究单子叶植物的模式生物。Compared with other monocotyledon, the rice's genome is smaller, so it has been considered as the model plant to study monocotyledon.

结果表明,刺苦草不仅具有典型水生单子叶植物的结构,而且不定根发达,匍匐茎多节。The results showed that Vallisneria spinulosa had structural characteristics of aquatic monocotyledon with well-developed adventitious root and multi-node stolon.

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单子叶植物以禾本科和莎草科为主,分别为270种和115种,双子叶植物以豆科和菊科为主,分别为212种和54种。Of monocotyledon there are 270 species of graminaceous plants and 115 species of sedge plants, and of dicotyledon there are 212 legume plants and 54 composite plants.

但是现代分子生物学实验技术对于植物的离体再生能力要求很高,这一点对于单子叶植物来说相对比较困难。Nevertheless, molecular biological technology requires the high-efficiency regeneration of plant tissues and cells which is comparatively difficult for the monocotyledon.

为培育唐菖蒲抗真菌病新品种奠定了基础,为单子叶花卉植物遗传转化提供了理论依据。Stablished the foundation for cultivation of new disease-resistant gladiolus variety , Offered the theoretical foundation for genetic transformation of the monocotyledon.