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还是波兰和法国人重要啦。We've got Poles and Frenchmen to worry about.

2027年之前,将有五分之一的法国人是穆斯林。By 2027, one in five Frenchmen will be Muslims.

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愿意守护巴黎的法国人收场有几多人呢?How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?

法国男人杀死法国女人不关我们的事。Frenchmen have our permission to kill Frenchwomen.

两位法国人共同获得了去年的诺贝尔物理奖。Two Frenchmen shared last year's Nobel Prize for Physics.

它的发明者是两位法国人——雅克·海姆和路易斯·里尔德。The inventors were two Frenchmen , Jacques Heim and Louis Reard.

由于其版图形状,法国人称法国是六角形。France is known by Frenchmen as "the Hexagon" because of its shape.

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她有着法国人非常欣赏的纤细的手腕和脚踝。She had the slender wrists and ankles that Frenchmen so much admire.

这两个法国人在非洲森林里经历了种种奇遇。The two Frenchmen went through strange adventures in the African forests.

但是,戴高乐将军必须说服他那群勇敢的法国人衙他一起干。But General de Gaulle had to carry his gallant band of Frenchmen with him.

他们班有13个法国人,剩下的都是德国人。In their class 13 people were Frenchmen , and the remainders were Germans.

甚至大多数有教养的法国人似乎也失去了对拉西纳的同情。A majority of even cultured Frenchmen seem to have lost their feeling for Racine.

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法国人现在一定非常明白,一切正常形式的权力机构都已经消失。Frenchmen must now be fully aware that all ordinary forms of authority have disappeared.

带着疯人的狡狯,马卡尔·阿列克谢耶维奇上上下下把军官看了个仔细,然后举枪瞄准。With a madman's cunning, Makar Alexyevitch eyed the Frenchmen , and lifting the pistol, took aim.

1783年,另两位法国人把热气球的研制向前推进了一步,他们说会用热气球把自己送上天空。In 1783, two other Frenchmen stepped forward and said they would take to the skies in a Montgolfier balloon.

多洛霍夫站在一所已倒塌的房屋的大门旁边,已缴了械的法国人从他面前走过。Dolohov was standing at the gates of a dilapidated house, letting the crowd of unarmed Frenchmen pass by him.

其烹调技术在西餐中首屈一指,故许多法国人常以此感到自豪。The cooking techniques rank at second to none in the western-style food , so many Frenchmen are proud of that.

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今天,是皆为法国人的德尚和特雷泽盖共同的生日,尤文上下洋溢着喜庆的气氛,为他们两位庆祝生日的到来。Smiles all round in the Juve camp as Frenchmen Didier Deschamps and David Trezeguet celebrate their birthdays today.

尽管拿破仑是科西嘉人,但今天大多数的法国人仍然认为,作为他们的祖先,他是法国人。Although Napoleon was Corsican, he is considered by most modern Frenchmen to have been French as their own forebears.

于是,1892年,他竭尽全力,使其它法国人对他的举行现代形式的奥林匹克运动会的梦想产生兴趣。He therefore tried, in 1892, to interest other Frenchmen in his dream of starting a modern form of the early Greek Games.