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我没有和任何人争过。I strove with none.

的他依然,依然奋斗。He still, still strove.

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他们争雄天下。They strove for supremacy under heaven.

他们在一斗争中奋力决斗,在战争中被重重包围。They strove in single combat, locked in battle.

她费劲地读着石柱上的名字。She strove to read the name on the stone pillar.

白丽莱茜鼓起勇气保持一种冷静的兴趣。Berenice strove valiantly to retain a serene interest.

现在它正近乎愚蠢地试图变得更抢手。Now it strove to be even more welcoming, almost silly.

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2008年和2009年,美国政府奋力拯救经济。In 2008 and 2009, Washington strove to save the economy.

他努力让自己活动活动,想找点能引起他兴趣的东西。He strove to stir himself and find something to interest him.

它却奋力吐露秘密,唱着叫着普丽西拉的名字!Strove to betray it by singing and shouting the name of Priscilla!

埃及人反抗罗马人占领尼罗河河谷。The Egyptians strove with the Romans for the possession of the Nile Valley.

水手们奋力战胜风浪将船驶向一个安全的停泊地。The sailors strove against wind and tide to bring the ship to a safe anchorage.

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她们不了解怨恨,本能地抵触激情,“They knew nothing of hate and fear, and strove instinctively to avoid all passion.

埃及人为争取尼罗河谷的归属曾和罗马人进行斗争。The Egyptians strove against with the Romans for the possession of the Nile Valley.

一个备受嘲弄、遍体鳞伤的人,却仍然鼓起最后的一丝勇气,伸手摘取那遥不可及的星星。That one man scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage.

他,作为一个人,不再奋斗,是他那不愿束手待毙的生命力逼迫他向前走。He, as a man, no longer strove. It was the life in him, unwilling to die, that drove him on.

因此,犹太人彼此争论说,这个人怎能把他的肉,给我们吃呢。The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat?

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甘地憎恶的暴力和致力于硬,不要让暴力纳入社会和政治生活的印度。Gandhi abhorred violence and strove hard not to let violence into social and political life of India.

而他则尽快地将这火焰压下去,竭力装出一副没发生过这种事的样子。This he repressed, as speedily as possible, and strove to look as if nothing of the kind had happened.

然而,在英国有17家分店的宜家公司拒绝承认这是一种残忍的行为,并表示已经尽力符合动物福利的标准。Ikea, which has 17 stores in the UK, denied it was cruel, saying it strove to meet animal welfare standards.