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苹果在信中表示,对谷歌语音是否使用VoIP,它并不知情。Apple said in its letter that it does not know if Google Voice uses VoIP.

并且已经成功应用在一种基于单DSP的网络电话终端方案中。It has been applied to a VoIP terminal solution based on One-DSP successfully.

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我从来没有质疑过有很多很棒的VoIP和聊天服务比Skype好得多。I won't argue that there are some great VoIP and chat services better than Skype.

在IP电话网关中,G.729协议被用来实现实时语音编码处理。In VoIP gateway, G. 729 agreement is used to realize instant speech code process.

它编译成可以支援SIP,所以可以方便的与其他SIP网路电话设备进行通话。It can be compile to support SIP, and easily communicates with other SIP VoIP devices.

Digium刚刚推出了最新版免费开源网络电话软件Asterisk。Digium has released the latest version of its free and open source VoIP software Asterisk.

2002年,公司重新成为一个网络电话服务供应商在利用Packet8品牌。In 2002, the company relaunched itself as a VoIP service provider under the Packet8 brand.

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找到一个基于云的网络电话路由器,该设备还提供拨号音。find a cloud based VOIP PBX out there that is commercially supported that provides dial tone

为什么一个网上拍卖网站会想收购一个点对点VoIP协作软件?Why would an online auction site want to purchase peer-to-peer VoIP and collaboration software?

有了网络电话和因特网,只要投入一些时间和精力,几乎所有任务都可以外包。With VoIP and the internet, almost anything can be outsourced with some time and consideration.

无论是传统电信业者或是即将跨入电信市场的业者,提供网路电话的服务是相当紧急而且必要的。Sooner or later, the VoIP service will be imperative to a greater extent in the telephony market.

同时也威胁到了目前的VOIP提供商,包括VocalTec最近的MagicTalk服务。It also threatens existing VOIP providers, and the recently introduced MagicTalk service from VocalTec.

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下面介绍的这些站点能帮助你认识母语使用者,并通过VoIP练习口语。The sites below will help you hook up with a native speaker -- usually over VoIP -- to practice speaking.

2007年,我们又一次搬家,这一次我们将电话号码接入到一家提供网络电话的供应商处,并买了思科的IP电话。In 2007, we moved again and this time we ported the numbers to a VOIP provider and bought Cisco IP phones.

你可以这样说,在拉拢电话用户的斗争中,萨尔蒙和语音IP一点也没落下风。You might say that in the upstream struggle to woo users from their landlines, Salmon and VoIP are thriving.

以防万一你天堂?笔闻风而至开足马力,IP电话是因特网协议语音略代名词。Just in case you haven?t caught on to the hype yet, VoIP is the abbreviated term for Voice over Internet Protocol.

2004年,公司成为第一家网络电话服务供应商提供替代品,电子911服务,其用户。In 2004, the company became the first VoIP service provider to offer replacement, E-911 services to its subscribers.

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建立另外一个全球P2P网络电话和视频网络,并且不侵犯现有专利,这很难做到。The creation of another global P2P VOIP and video network that doesn't infringe on existing patents is no small task.

一些大公司已经利用技术进行各项内部办公电话通过IP电话网。Some larger companies are already utilizing the technology by conducting all intra-office calls through a VoIP network.

实践表明,该终端通话质量良好,具有较强的可扩展性和较高的可靠性。By practice, it illustrates that the VOIP terminal has well quality of voice, strong scalability and upper dependability.