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如果这个症状变成了一个困扰的话,则可以向医生进行咨询。If a guy finds his gynecomastia is bothering him, he can talk to a doctor about it.

男性乳腺发育可由肝硬化、睾丸间质细胞瘤或药物引起。Gynecomastia may occur with cirrhosis of liver, Leydig cell tumors of testis, or with drugs.

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此病例报告表明,男性女乳症,可发生在甲状腺毒性周期性麻痹患者。This case report demonstrates that gynecomastia may occur in patients with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis.

采取肿胀麻醉乳晕切口微创治疗39例青春期男性乳腺增生症患者。Methods Applied the swelling anesthesia periareolar incision to 39 patients with persistent pubertal gynecomastia.

服用非法药物,如合成类固醇,大麻或海洛因会干扰荷尔蒙平衡,导致男性女乳症。Using illegal drugs such as anabolic steroids, marijuana, or heroin can also disrupt hormonal balance and lead to gynecomastia.

大约有一半的男性在青春期都会在一边或两边胸部上出现不同程度的男性女乳症。It's estimated that about half of all males going through puberty experience some degree of gynecomastia in one or both breasts.

目的探讨应用肿胀麻醉乳晕切口微创治疗青春期男性乳腺增生症的临床经验。Objective To discuss the clinical trials of using swelling anesthesia periareolar incision to treat persistent pubertal gynecomastia.

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通常情况下造成男性女乳症的原因是因为青春期发育的关系,但是有时候也可能是因为某些疾病或药物的副作用。Although the most common cause of gynecomastia is puberty, it can sometimes be caused by certain diseases or side effects of some medications.

以上症状是由于甲状腺毒症,因此使用抗甲状腺药物治疗,导致男性女乳症改善和低钾性麻痹不再复发以及减免甲状腺机能亢进症状。Both symptoms were due to thyrotoxicosis , thus treatment with anti-thyroid medication led to regression of gynecomastia and hypokalemic paralysis as well as remission of thyrotoxic symptoms.

男性女乳症基本都是暂时性的,通常情况下变大的胸部都会在几个月或几年内平复回去,如果没有的话就是不正常了。Gynecomastia is almost always a temporary condition, and it's very unusual for the breasts to stay developed — they will eventually flatten out completely within a few months to a couple of years.