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一辆轿车呼地一声把他载走。A limousine whirred him away.

我到哪儿可以租一部加长型礼仪车呢?。Where can I hire a limousine?

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你不想要坐豪华轿车?You don’t want the limousine?

小客车价钱多少?。How much is the limousine charge?

我建议乘机场交通车。I 'd suggest taking the limousine.

小客车跟计程车,那种便宜呢?。Which is. cheaper, limousine or cab?

可是我建议您乘机场的交通车。But I'd suggest taking the limousine.

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到城市中心去的小巴士在哪里?Where is the limousine bus going downtown?

我在何处可搭乘北京饭店的接泊巴士?Where can I get the limousine for Beijing Hotel?

噢,知道了。打扰一下,您帮我叫辆高级轿车好吗?。Oh, I see. Excuse me, could you call a limousine?

那辆姗姗来迟的大型轿车沿着汽车道开了上来。The dilatory limousine came rolling up the drive.

一辆加长型轿车匆匆把这位电影明星带走。The movie star was whisked away in the limousine.

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与此同时,杰克正驾驶着载有特德.科菲尔的豪华轿车。Jack, meanwhile, drives Ted Cofell in a limousine.

请你告诉我小客车的柜台怎么走?。Could you tell me the way to the limousine counter?

请问你们有加长型礼车吗,我想租一台。Do you have a stretch limousine? I would like to rent one.

当她向窗外望去时,一辆黑色高级轿车正好经过。A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window.

当卡罗送康妮上车时,她也只好同他吻别了。Connie kissed Carlo good-bye when he put her in the limousine.

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每天有开往友谊宾馆的交通车办事。There is a limousine service to the Friendship Hotel every day.

我们看着他钻进一辆黑车豪华轿车飞驰而去了。We watched as he got into a large black limousine and sped away.

KAZ是意大利跟日本合作的一个制造电动豪华汽车的项目。KAZ is an Italian-Japanese joint project to make an electric limousine.