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莫丽的确失踪了。Mollie in fact was missing.

这是怎么回事,莫丽?What does that mean, Mollie ?

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冬天快要到了,莫丽变得越来越讨厌。AS WINTER drew on, Mollie became more and more troublesome.

莫丽拒绝学习任何东西,除了用来拼写她名字的五个字母。Mollie refused to learn any but the five letters which spelt her own name.

当他们走下楼梯时,发现莫丽不见了。They were just coming down the stairs when Mollie was discovered to be missing.

当我走进家门,莫莉会手舞足蹈地跳起来。Mollie jumps up on her hind legs and does a little dance every time I walk in the door.

谁也没有打招呼,她就跑到莫丽的厩棚里,用蹄子翻开一堆草。Without saying anything to the others, she went to Mollie 's stall and turned over the straw with her hoof.

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像大多数养狗者一样,我会确保莫莉每天至少散步两次,一次在清晨,一次在晚上。Like most dog owners, I make sure Mollie gets a minimum of two walks a day—one in the morning and one at night.

在这场骚乱的某个瞬间,我确信她会死去,而且某一刹那,我都想象了没有Molie的日子。At some point during all the commotion, I became convinced that I she was going to die and for a split second, I imagined my life without Mollie.

我在此分享这段经历给你们是因为莫莉已经陪伴我度过了我最难的工作时期。The reason I’m sharing this here with you fine readers of Work Happy Now is because Mollie has gotten me through some extremely rough times at work.

当我经历了几段突发的轻度抑郁症期后,我收养了莫莉,因为朋友说服我狗是极好的治愈忧郁的手段。As someone who has experienced sporadic periods of mild depression throughout life, I adopted Mollie after a friend convinced me that a dog was the perfect remedy for a blue mood.