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创建一个紧急小金库。Build an emergency fund.

到应急锚地去。Go to emergency anchorage.

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进入应急锚地。Go to emergency anchorage.

我急刹车了。I have an emergency brake.

紧急出口旁的那排座位怎么样?How about the emergency row?

这确实是一种紧急情况。This is indeed an emergency.

应急行动方案。a plan for emergency actions.

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驶向应急锚地。Proceed to emergency anchorage.

应急消防泵不能工作。Emergency fire pump not pumping.

拥有一个6-9个月的紧急储备金。Have a 6-9 month emergency fund.

我以为有什么紧急状况呢。I thought this was an emergency.

非紧急状况,带她到精神科。No emergency. Take her to psych.

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他立即给急救中心打电话。He called the emergency services.

我来拨打急救中心的电话。Let me call the Emergency Center.

临时避难所和紧急避难所safe-houses and emergency shelters

所有房间中都有一个紧急按钮。All rooms have an emergency button.

发生紧急状况时,拉下翼弦。Pull the cord in case of emergency.

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每层楼梯间应安装应急灯。Emergency lights at every stairwell.

打开紧急闪烁灯。Turn on your emergency . ashers. 186

不管怎么说,我们需要为抗敌做准备。We need to prepare for an emergency.