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今年夏天酷暑难耐。The heat is intolerable this summer.

这些语言不堪入耳。These remarks are intolerable to the ear.

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他发现老师的固执难以忍受。He found his teacher's bigotry intolerable.

一个伤心的字包含了我的无法忍受的责任——走开!One drear word comprised my intolerable duty-Depart!

这种疼痛实在难受,疼的我真想死。The pain was o intolerable that I wished I were dead.

我无法忍受煎熬,最终病休在家。I am intolerable suffer, final sick rest is in the home.

她忍受不了男朋友控制她感情的行为。She found her boyfriend'spossessive behaviour intolerable.

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这家杂志上的一些文章不堪入目。Some articles in the magazine were intolerable to the eye.

他说,平民百姓的处境已经到了不能容忍的地步。He said the situation for civilians has become intolerable.

这许许多多都是决定要关闭牛博的人所不能忍受的。All could be intolerable by those determined to shut it down.

酷热的天气,连机场也会感到暑热难耐。Hot weather, even the airport would have been intolerable heat.

因为这是所有采访者最令人不能容忍的部分。It would be, of all interviewing, the most intolerable species.

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事实上,即使是在一个中等大小的项目里,这点也令人无法忍受。In fact, in even a medium-sized project, it's an intolerable pain.

农场主想不到更好的办法,忍无可忍找到镇上的法官评理。Farmers think of a better way to find intolerable town judge judge.

我有两个年幼的儿子,我简直无法忍受这种威胁。I have two year young son, I simply intolerable this kind is minatory.

他身强体健,充满活力,觉得失业的无聊与烦闷令他无法忍受。A strapping, energetic man, he finds the tedium of joblessness intolerable.

同一个娃娃面对面消磨整个晚上,让我实在受不了。It would be intolerable to me to pass a whole evening tete-e-tete with a brat.

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从道家思想上看,他的任真思想无法忍受官场的黑暗。Judging from Taoist thought, his intolerable Ren Zhen thought officialdom dark.

时尚就是丑陋的一种形式,它如此丑,所以我们必须每六个月改变一次。Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.

只能说电信业者的网络质量与布建还离完美有段距离,但总体来说断话的情况也还不至于到忍无可忍的境界。The network is far from perfect, but we didn't see an intolerable amount of call issues.