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那影片演员阵容坚强。The film has a superior cast.

这是最高级别的自杀。This is the superior suicide.

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他在知识方面比我强。He is my superior in knowledge.

这种布比那种布好。This cloth is superior to that.

是的,我住在苏必利尔湖边。Yeah, I lived on Lake Superior.

他对上司毕恭毕敬。He stands in awe of his superior.

他被他的上级怀疑。He was suspected by his superior.

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上级交代的其他任务。Other tasks assigned by Superior.

一个智者是不会被阿谀奉承所迷惑的。A wise man is superior to flattery.

他从不去讨好上司。He never go to coddle his superior.

实际上,我们觉得比他们优秀。In effect, we feel superior to them.

今胜于昔。The present is superior to the past.

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随声附和他上级的每一句话。He echoed every word of his superior.

他在上司面前感到自卑。He abased himself before his superior.

引用上司的联合署名加以强调。Add clout by having a superior co-sign.

睿智的老女修道院长处在了弥留之际。The wise old Mother Superior was dying.

既然如此,你还会觉得比犀利哥优越吗?Do you still feel superior to Mr sharp ?

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我们真优秀于世界其它地方么?Are we superior to the rest of the world?

他在数学方面要比王先生强。He is superior to Mr Wang in mathematics.

他在数学上比王先生强。He is superior to Mr. Wang in mathematics.