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然而对大多私营企业,延迟是冗长的。But for most private firms, the delay can be interminable.

这最糟糕的八分钟是似乎是空前绝后的”。This fiasco was worse than any of them, and seemed interminable.

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还有十个冗长不堪的白天,还有十个令人厌倦的黑夜,才能登上陆地哩。Ten more interminable days and ten more weary nights before we land.

这是二十世纪由教宗领导的冗长的十字架道路。It is an interminable way of the cross led by the popes of the20th century.

这是都些灰暗的岁月,就像生活在漫无止境的迷雾当中。There were some dark months there, like living in the middle of an interminable fog.

你方4日电收悉。在我公司董事长三月底回来之前,估计交涉不会有结果。Yours 4th negotiation outlook interminable before our president return here end march.

或则在接下来的一个冗长的会议电话间,就盯着天上的云发呆。Or just stare at the clouds when you are sucked into another interminable conference call.

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一旦当他们无需花费时间为没完没了的会议准备高深莫测的幻灯片。As long as they’re not spending hours creating inscrutable slides for interminable meetings.

委员会是出了名的喜欢通过冗长的讨论来拖延和推迟决定。Committees are notorious for delaying and deferring decisions through interminable discussion.

泰晤士河的入海口在我的眼前伸展,仿佛是一条横无际涯的水路的开端。The sea reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway.

而英国的这场表演彻底失败比任何一个都坏,甚而在八分钟似乎无法终止。This British fiasco was worse than any of them, and even at only eight minutes seemed interminable.

是追求四冠王还是在无休止的夜店里听垃圾音乐?The prospect of four trophies versus interminable nights in horrible meat market bars with crap music?

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跟他种族的其他人一样,科思似乎对肉体的痛苦拥有无限的意志力和忍耐力。Like other members of his species, Koth had seemingly interminable willpower and endurance to physical pain.

在夏威夷你可以享受无穷无尽诸如美妙海岸线、森林及火山这样的景点。There are interminable things in Hawaii to visit and enjoy like wonderful coastlines, forests and volcanoes.

挨着这个满手行李的人,吃力地爬着这座没完没了、令人讨厌的小山,她的心跳几乎都要停止了。Her heart nearly stopped beating as she trudged up that hideous and interminable hill, beside the laden figure.

他们上传了后院科学计划,分娩画面,以及冗长的吉他独奏。They uploaded their backyard science projects, their delivery-room footage and their interminable guitar solos.

这段公汽旅程渐渐地变成了一阵没完没了的捧腹大笑。Little by little the bus trip turned into one great fit of laughter, an uproarious, interminable fit of laughter.

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在就活动的Logo设计进行没完没了的争论时,该组织的副主席乔伊·波普尔突发感慨。In the middle of an interminable debate over the logo design, Joy Pople, the Syracuse group’s vice president, had an epiphany.

更让伊朗人泄气的是政府当年夏天出台的汽油配给计划,以及因此而产生的长长人龙。To add to Iranians' frustration, interminable queues accompanied the government's petrol-rationing scheme, unveiled that summer.

他们对华盛顿在阿富汗战略问题上冗长的争论也觉得受到冷落,尽管欧洲在那有35000名驻军。They feel sidelined by Washington's interminable Afghan strategy debate, notwithstanding the presence of 35, 000 European troops.