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里海的梭鲈,哈萨克斯坦,1999。Caspian Pike Perch, Kazakhstan, 1999

帕文西四兄妹与凯斯宾王子会合。The four Pevensie children meet Prince Caspian.

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你还记得里海的美景吗,埃斯莫尔?Do you remember the beauty of the caspian sea esmail?

于是凯斯宾决定孤注一掷。Then Caspian decided to risk everything on one stroke.

搜寻队由凯斯宾亲自率领,很晚才非常疲倦地回到营地。It had been led by Caspian and had come back late and weary.

艾尔顿胡是俄罗斯海岸岩地最大的一个湖泊。Lake Elton is a large lake in the Caspian Depression in Russia.

特鲁佛汗特是凯斯宾王子里的关键动物之一。Trufflehunter is one of the key animal roles in Prince Caspian.

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在里海的底部存在了巨大的石油能源。Potentially huge oil fields also lie underneath the Caspian Sea.

拉姆萨尔湿地是里海海岸著名的、游客常去的旅游胜地。Ramsar is a popular beach resort on the coast of the Caspian Sea.

伏尔加河以及乌拉尔河都有流入里海。The Volga River and the Ural River discharge into the Caspian Sea.

有多支河流注入里海,其中最大的一条是伏尔加河。Multiple rivers empty into the Caspian Sea, the Volga being the largest.

仅有的两个发现,现在是里海边境和O操作新城。The only two revealed right now are Caspian Border and o Operation Métro.

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里海位于亚洲与欧洲之间,是一个被陆地封锁了的内陆海。The Caspian Sea is a inland sea locked and locate between Asia and Europe.

不过里海的石油资源也运的不怎么好就是了。However the Caspian Sea oil source it was to transport didn't pan out that well.

2003年至2005年,他担任里海分舰队的参谋长兼第一副司令。In 2003-2005, he was chief of staff and first deputy CO of the Caspian Flotilla.

从水面面积上讲,里海是世界上最大的内陆水体。Measured by surface area, the Caspian Sea is the world’s largest inland water body.

最后,波罗一行到达了波斯国的席巴城,该城位于里海以南。Finally the Polos reached the Persian town of Saba, to the south of the Caspian Sea.

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从黑海和里海的东北部来了米堤亚人和波斯人。Round the north-east of the Black and Caspian Seas were coming the Medes and Persians.

在巴波尔,肯坐下,看着团体租用一小时就里海大型船只。At Babol, Ken sat and watched groups hiring large boats for an hour on the Caspian Sea.

但今年,从里海来伏尔加河产卵的鱼群数量减少了。But this year, fewer fish are coming into the Volga delta from the Caspian Sea to spawn.