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牛津与波恩结成了友好城市。Oxford is twinned with bonn.

牛津和波恩是友好城市。Oxford and Bonn are twin towns.

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路德维格。冯。贝多芬于1770年出生于波恩。Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in Bonn in 1770.

我会永远一路平安地到达美丽的波恩湖畔。And to the bonny Bonn banks forever I 'll bid adieu.

联邦德国的首都是波恩。Bonn ist die Hauptstadt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

听说他母亲临终时,他很快就回到波恩。On hearing that his mother was dying, he quickly returned to Bonn.

大家本来也没希望波恩会谈能取得重大突破。The Bonn talks were not expected to make a significant breakthrough.

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该公司最大的长期客户包括波恩和涅瓦河。Biggest and long time customers of the company include Bonn and NEVA.

一个法国人、一个美国人和一个德国人坐火车从波恩到东柏林。Frenchman, an American and a German are on atrain from Bonn to West Berlin.

一个法国人、一个美国人和一个德国人坐火车从波恩到东柏林。A Frenchman, an American and a German are on atrain from Bonn to West Berlin.

德国政府顶礼拜六开始?首都位磅徙去柏赁。The German government began moving its capital from Bonn to Berlin on Saturday.

波恩现在正在研究马查多-约瑟夫病。The so-called Machado-Joseph disease is at the center of the current Bonn study.

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他们将在四天内,于波昂的贝多芬音乐节演出贝多芬的九部交响乐作品。They are playing all nine symphonies in four days at the Beethoven Festival in Bonn.

波恩大学教授弗兰克·内曼一直在用钟形玻璃容器收集这种气体。Doctor Frank Kuhnemann of Bonn University has been trapping the ethylene in a bell jar.

波恩大学教授弗兰克·屈内曼一直在用钟形玻璃容器收集这种气体。Doctor frank kuhnemann of bonn university has been trapping the ethylene in a bell jar.

今年内还将举行波恩会议、墨西哥会议等一系列重要国际会议。A series of important international conferences will be held in Bonn and Mexico this year.

上周在波恩,由墨西哥提出的筹集几十亿美元的建议取得了进展。In Bonn last week, a separate Mexican proposal to raise billions of dollars was gaining ground.

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波恩法庭得知的消息称,这名尚未对外公布姓名的银行家没有自己私吞一分钱。The court in Bonn was told that the employee, who has not been named, took no money for herself.

我先是在波恩大学学习计算机科学,后来我做了超过18年的系统管理员。I studied computer science at university Bonn and am working as sysadmin since more than 18 years.

德国中西部一城市,位于莱茵河和摩泽尔河的交汇口、波恩东南。A city of west-central Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers southeast of Bonn.