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我担心在我们和曼德的合作中,乔治·科尔会大吃苦头。I'm afraid George Cole came off worst from our partnership in Minder.

为了整合我们的保证金明德,输出系统,数字地图。To integrate our Margin Minder system with an output to a digital map.

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另一个政府看守把一个男人介绍给我们,说他是小女孩的叔叔。Another minder was prompting a man introduced to us as the girl's uncle.

车辆维修时间表计算的维护指示系统。The vehicle maintenance schedule is calculated by the Maintenance Minder system.

哈格里夫斯在中场的队友弗兰克。兰帕得对他也是赞不绝口。Hargreaves' midfield partner Frank Lampard was also full of praise for his minder.

或者,它可能会被机器人看守员收走,和其他车辆一起像一排购物手推车一样运走。Or maybe it is picked up by a robotic minder and carted off with other vehicles, like a row of shopping carts.

这位44岁的巨星在参观拉斯维加斯博物馆时,鼻子由绷带缠绕,一名助手则为他撑著伞。The singer 44 wore a bandage over his hooter and had a minder carry the brolly during a visit to a las vegas museum.

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这位44岁的巨星在参观拉斯维加斯博物馆时,鼻子由绷带缠绕,一名助手则为他撑着伞。The singer, 44, wore a bandage over his hooter and had a minder carry the brolly during a visit to a Las Vegas museum.

阿兰·希勒当球员时在自卫方面绝对是个中高手,他干嘛还需要这样一个五短身材的保安?Alan Shearer was particularly handy at looking after himself when he played so why he does he need the security of a minder half his size?

从机场到酒店旅游,据我所知由政府陪同人员有没有问题,国家和城市是安全的。Traveling from the airport to a hotel, I am told by a government minder that there are no problems and that the country and city are safe.

在过去的22年里,海豹饲养员佛里斯雷本斯坦饲养着一群被抛弃的小海豹,他会一直在中心照顾着小海豹直到它们回归大自然的怀抱。For the last 22 years, seal minder Fritz Rabenstein has raised abandoned seal puppies at the station before returning them later into the wild.