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人文学的教授。A professor of humanities.

学人文科学的报偿在何处呢?Where’s the payoff on the humanities?

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人文科学,我们必须选,Humanities class, we're required to take,

文科学生最终获取文学士,简称为B。Students in the arts and humanities get a B.

人文科学专业论文写作知识。Secondly, The writing knowledge of humanities thesis.

我为Vibes写了一个关于人文医学的文章。I wrote an article about medical humanities for Vibes.

它是人文科学的国家组织。And ACLS is the nantional organization in the humanities.

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人文底蕴的内核是人文价值,是美。Human value is the combination of science and humanities.

与湖光山色交相辉映的有56处人文历史古迹。Each other and the beauty of 56 historic sites humanities.

文科和理科,通识教育与人文。Liberal Arts And Sciences, General Studies And Humanities.

从朱文小说文字的背后我们可以窥见他的人文关怀。We can peek Zhuwen's humanities concern behind his writing.

你刚刚说你在写人文学科的论文。You said that you were writing an essay for the humanities.

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学习人文学科会使你学到大量的比喻。Studying the humanities will give you a wealth of analogies.

面向职业生活是高职院校人文教育的风向标。To face the career life is the vane of humanities education.

人文学教授今晚没有给我们布置任何作业。The humanities professor did' t give us any home work tonight.

直销人文学科,使得该领域的一些人忧心忡忡。Baldly marketing the humanities makes some in the field uneasy.

这是法国独特的人文景观,充满诗情画意。This is the French unique humanities landscape, full of poetic.

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人文学科在一些优秀的文科中学依然兴隆。The humanities continue to thrive in elite liberal arts schools.

这里的“文化”是指人文学科和科学。The “cultures” referred to were the humanities and the sciences.

但是,当下中国的人文教育状况实在是糟透了。But the current state of Chinese humanities is frankly atrocious.