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这才是真正的“限权”,也才是非常直接的约束。This is the direct way to confine rights.

我限定自己每天只抽五支烟。I confine myself to five cigarettes a day.

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我希望你把讲话时间限于十分钟。I wish you will confine your talk to10 minute.

不能只局限于清华所学。Don't confine ywe learning only to educatestay.

我们的学习不应该局限于书本知识。We should not confine our learning to book knowledge.

你能禁闭我的身,你关不住我的心。This body you may imprison, my heart you can't confine.

能够把自己压得低低的,那才是真正的尊贵。One being able to confine himself lowness is really noble.

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天分不局限在地理地域、宗教和种姓上。Talent does not confine to geographical area, religion, caste.

我们还应限制随地吐痰以及随处乱倒垃圾。We should also confine spitting or littering in public places.

希望你只谈目前我们正在讨论的问题。I wish you would confine yourself to the matter under discussion.

提炼者用她精细的手指定义了一个明确的界限.The refiner defined a definite confine with her fine finger.

真正的解放是打破束缚让你永远待在一个地方的镣铐。It is forever breaking the bonds that confine you to a single location.

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在这里我们只研究面力为给定的情况。We confine ourselves here to the case where surface tractions are prescribed.

变装者通常可以把自己的变装局限在属于个人支配的时间里。Cross dressers are usually able to confine their cross dressing to personal time.

第一章,分析了中古蒙古语与位格附加成分的使用范围。Chapter one analyses the using confine of Mediaeval Mongolian Language Dative Case.

他保证接下来他的木筏会限制在河道左边活动。He promised to confine his group to the left side of the river for the rest of the day.

由于我们会在下周得出预测结果,因此我今天仅想讲一下总体趋势。Our forecasts are coming out next week, so I will confine myself today to broad trends.

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当一个潜在顾客站在他面前,你难道要限制他遣词造句的数量?With a prospect standing before him, would you confine him to any certain number of words?

生态社会主义人权观具有积极影响,但其局限性也是明显存在的。The human rights opinion of eco-socialism has active effect, but its confine is also obvious.

由于这种爱情爱别不能放下,六道轮回之苦也就逃不了。They do not realize that such deep affection will confine them to the six divisions of rebirth.