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在印度,日食被认为是凶兆。In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious.

这种做法是大不吉利的,通常我们管它叫“三长两短”。This is an inauspicious big, usually we call it three are long and two are short.

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这种升华可能危险,但并非不详或者是善恶的征兆。The sublime may be dangerous, but it is not inauspicious or a portent of good or evil.

这种做法是很不吉利的,通常我们管它叫“三长两短”。This procedure is very inauspicious , usually we manage it to be called "the accident".

古代的中国人认为梦能预示吉凶。Ancient Chinese people thought that dreams can imply auspicious and inauspicious things.

中国人送礼物时很强调双数,因为单数被认为不吉利。The Chinese people stress to send gifts in pairs, for odd numbers are regarded as inauspicious.

他现在有一种不祥的感觉因为他参与了骑士队这个赛季两场最惨痛的失利。He now has the inauspicious designation of being a part of the Cavs' worst two losses of the season.

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拉昂错湖周边没有生物生存,并且,触碰到湖水也被认为是非常不吉利的。Rakshas Tal apparently supports no life and a touching the waters of this lake hi highly inauspicious.

麦克唐纳的言论对于许多奥运会官方广播员来说,标志着一个噩梦般的开始。MacDonald's remarks marked an inauspicious start to the Olympics for a number of official broadcasters.

一般来说,对于属龙的人,这一年吉凶相交,充满变数。Generally speaking, this is a mixed year for the Dragon, altermating between auspicious and inauspicious.

从这种误解开始,软件开发领域产生了很多荒谬的言论。From these inauspicious beginnings, the world of software development has given rise to numerous other myths.

有围观者表示,在春节庆祝活动要结束的时候出现大火灾是不吉利的。People watching noted that the timing of the fire — coming at the end of the spring festival — was inauspicious.

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在唐尼和费克图参与“第三势力”项目的时候,它所取得的成果寥寥无几,但又命运多舛。By the time of Downey and Fecteau’s involvement in the Third Force program, its record was short and inauspicious.

事实上,某些选民——以及政客们——或许发现他们自己甚至都渴望回到那个不吉利的。In fact, some voters—and politicians—might even find themselves longing for a return to the Inauspicious Aughties.

该应用软件可以根据一个人的性别和生辰计算出吉凶的方位。This application will calculate the auspicious and inauspicious directions for a person based on the gender and birthdate.

风险投资在2000年网络泡沫破裂前才在德国姗姗起步,黯然开场。而网络泡沫的破裂使得其在日后的发展备受其害。Venture capital had a late and inauspicious start, just before the dotcom bubble burst in 2000, which stunted its subsequent growth.

2008年8月8日,这个吉利的日子,广州市雷士表业公司正式更名为广州市李氏表业公司!August 8, 2008, this inauspicious day, Guangzhou City Leishi Table Company officially changed its name to Guangzhou Lee Table Company!

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据说慈禧太后曾赏给司机孙福龄一大碗米酒,结果开了个不吉利的先例。Setting a rather inauspicious precedent, the empress is said to have fortified her driver, Sun Fuling, with a generous bowl of rice wine.

虽然布朗的访华之旅将从混乱的希思罗机场开始,但是首相这次访问将有着十分重大的意义。Although the chaos at Heathrow was an inauspicious start, it is important that the Prime Minister's mission to China should not crash-land.

将设置我的永恒的休息和动摇这个世界厌倦肉凶星的枷锁?Will I set up my everlasting rest and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world-wearied flesh?A dateless bargin to engrossong death!