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基于这两个原因,我决定去法国兰斯管理学院学习MBA课程。With these two motivations, I decided to do an MBA in France but at Reims Management School.

那对新婚夫妇被带到前。那张事先获兰斯大主祝福。但储君比玛丽。The young couple was conducted to their bed, which had been blessed by the Archbishop of Reims.

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新任总司令来到设在莱姆斯的艾森豪威尔的司令部接洽投降。The new commander arrived at general eisenhower's headquarters at reims to negotiate a surrender.

在兰斯管理学院MBA课程结束后,我就被现在的公司派回中国担任首席代表。With Reims MBA, I was assigned as the Chief Representative in China after the training in France.

就在此时,我的一个曾经在兰斯管理学院学习过的朋友向我极力推荐了这所学校。At the same time, I had a friend who was studying an MBA at Reims and she highly recommended me this school.

香槟酒次区域兰斯为La蒙塔涅称为是最有趣的地区之一香槟酒。The champagne sub-region known as La Montagne de Reims is one of the most interesting regions for champagne.

了解更多关于香格里拉蒙塔涅兰斯香槟地区的葡萄酒专家,从一个小技巧在这个自由香槟影片。Learn more about La Montagne de Reims region champagnes with tips from a wine expert in this free champagne video.

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“听说兰斯的主教把这个怪物送给巴黎主教了!”戈蒂叶双手合掌说。"To think that Monsieur of Reims sent this enormity to Monsieur of Paris, " added la Gaultière, clasping her hands.

从康布雷迈向舞台上对2010年环法自行车赛4终点线7月7日到2010年的兰斯在Reims,法国珀洛东冲刺。The peloton sprint towards the finish line on stage four of the 2010 Tour de France from Cambrai to Reims on July 7, 2010 in Reims, France.

德国球迷迪迪森夫特,又名暗黑破坏神,以波的菌丝结在了环法自行车赛康布雷和兰斯之间的公路自行车赛第四阶段7月7日。German fan Didi Senft, aka El Diablo, waves to the peloton July 7 during the fourth stage of the Tour de France cycling race between Cambrai and Reims.

李杰?贝拉是法国蓝斯香宾阿丹尼大学的副教授,他在那里研究碳酸饮料的物理化学。GéRARD LIGER-BELAIR is associate professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne in France, where he studies the physical chemistry of bubbles in carbonated beverages.

李杰–拉是法国蓝斯香宾阿丹尼大学的副教授,他在那里研究碳酸饮料的物理化学。Gé RARD LIGER -BELAIR is associate professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne in France, where he studies the physical chemistry of bubbles in carbonated beverages.

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不过咱们还是要谈很多关于一战的事件,怎么开始的,有什么意义,影响是什么,在法国北部,在兰斯周围随处可见,军人墓地,在达姆古道这边任何地方But, we'll talk a lot about World War One, how it started, what it meant, and what the impact was. And there's nowhere you can go in Northern France where you're not just awash with military cemeteries around Reims there, anywhere up in the end near the Chemin des Dames.