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炙热的阳光,空气中迷漫着咸味,海浪有节奏地拍打着。Salty air. Rhythmic waves.

是一名俄罗斯的艺术体操运动员。She is a rhythmic gymnast from Russia.

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同样的节奏型也构成了前奏曲的结尾。The same rhythmic figure ends the Prelude.

小号插入了什么样的节奏呢What rhythmic device is the trumpet inserting?

然而它同时又具有节奏性和旋律性。Yet it's rhythmic and melodic at the same time.

我们上次说到过,一个节奏技巧We talked about it last time, a rhythmic device.

我们上次讨论过,一种节奏型,切分节奏。We talked about it last time, a rhythmic device.

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小号插入的是什么样的节奏So what did the trumpet insert, what rhythmic device?

我做韵律操,那是,就像,真的很酷。I do rhythmic gymnastics, which is, like, really cool.

摇滚衍生于布鲁斯,是一种很有节奏的舞蹈音乐。Rock'n'roll, a blues derivative, was rhythmic dance music.

通过鼻子快速而有节奏得浅呼吸。Take rapid, rhythmic and shallow breaths through the nose.

灵感来自于现代,艺术和布满活气的跳舞。Inspiration from contemporary, rhythmic and vibrant dances.

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由它衍生出的摇滚乐是节奏性很强的舞蹈音乐。Rock'n'roll, a blues derivative , was rhythmic dance music.

白皑皑的浪花有规律的拍打着海岸。White-crested waves slap the beach with rhythmic regularity.

在一段旋律里,我们常有很多节奏变化In a melody, we tend to have a lot of rhythmic activity there.

地震活动周期与断裂的节奏性活动相关联。The period of seismicity is related to the rhythmic movements.

你有没有感觉到肚子里轻轻的、有节奏的踢打?Have you felt a light rhythmic “kicking” sensation in your belly?

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在这些人的胸中,精神生活在沉默的节奏里。In the bosom of such as these the spirit dwells in rhythmic silence.

马蒂斯把强烈的色彩,不同的图案和有节奏的线条放在一起。Matisse juxtaposes intense colors, varied patterns and a rhythmic line.

启动仪式厦门东浦学校举行,以同学的韵律操表演作开始。School, started with a rhythmic exercise demonstration by its students.