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一个小排水沟。A little gutter.

工人们在挖沟。The workers are dishing a gutter.

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但他停顿之后,故事卡住了。But when he pauses, the stories gutter.

砌体暗渠取代混凝土排水沟。Masonry culvert replaces concrete gutter.

那辆摩托车倒在沟中。The motorbike lay on its side in the gutter.

到傍晚打喷嚏,一边拨着劈啪的火。Sneezes at evening, poking the peevish gutter.

从下水沟时常冒出刺鼻的气味。At times, the smell from the gutter can be rank.

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一只鸭子不会常在统一条沟中玩水。A duck will not always dabble in the same gutter.

我步,并再次轮到我了,它只是一个排水沟。I step up for my turn and again, it's just a gutter.

本发明涉及到一种天沟融雪板。The invention relates to a gutter snow melting plate.

使用地沟油的增殖比例远远超出了标准!Using gutter oil, breeding ratios are off the charts!

奇静脉在右侧脊柱旁沟内上升。The azygos vein ascends in the right paravertebral gutter.

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当你喝醉躺在臭水沟时我有没有说过你?Do I preach at you when you are lying stoned in the gutter?

如果他躺在水沟里就与我无关,我就不会以警察来管他。He can lie in the gutter for all I care! I'm not a policeman.

这间工厂早在2003年就开始加工地沟油。This factory began to process gutter cooking oil as early as 2003.

另外你还可以在排水槽的表面作画,使其看上去很特别。You can even paint pictures on the gutter to make it look special.

肯定是你从街边买的那些地沟油羊肉串让你吃的不舒服了。It must be those gutter oil lamb kebabs you bought from the street.

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当讨论这件事,我们不可有歪门邪道的念头。Let's get our minds out of the gutter while discussing this matter.

我们都在沟中,但其中一些人在仰望星星。We are all in the gutter , but some of us are looking at the stars.

她父亲太贪杯了,有时喝得醉醺醺的。Her father was too fond of the cup and would lap the gutter at times.