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因此,当美国陷入衰退后,美国会出台反衰退政策。So when America goes into recession, you have anti- recessionary policies.

但现在时机歹歹,她倾向避免这类公开突袭式的采购行为。But now, in these recessionary times, she tends to avoid such public sorties.

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当然,即使在衰退其间,一些公司在无税收抵免时照样雇用人工。Of course, even in recessionary times, some companies are hiring without tax breaks.

投资者蠢蠢欲动,而新的小公司受困于经济萧条时期。Investors are obviously skittish, and small, new companies suffer in recessionary times.

如今它也被赋予了明确此次衰退期起止的责任。Today it has responsibility for determining the beginnings and ends of recessionary periods.

然是,仍有人担心这只是大范围的经济倒退对与大学校园的初步影响。And there are worries that this is only the beginning of a wider recessionary impact on campuses.

此外,如今衰退的经济要求企业减低营销费用。Furthermore, the current recessionary economy is mandating that businesses reduce sales and marketing costs.

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我们不希望银行唯政治家是从,不经深思就将贷款注入一个处于衰退期的经济体中。We don’t want banks to respond to politicians by making poorly thought-out loans into a recessionary economy.

我们的一位同事提醒过我,微软和苹果都是在,经济衰退期成立的。One of our folks reminded me, Microsoft was started and Apple was started during kind of a recessionary period.

当今经济衰退,守旧主义和默默无闻的做事情已经行不通了。The truth is that hunkering down and quietly doing quality work might not be enough in today's recessionary times.

他说,“这种全球经济的新威胁也许尚不足以造成全球性衰退。”“This new threat to global recovery will probablyfall short of becoming a worldwide recessionary shock, ” he said.

但他补充说,考虑到目前经济衰退的束缚,买房难度的降低是一把双刃剑.Still, rising affordability is a double-edged sword, he added, considering the constraints of a recessionary economy.

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经济衰退的压力一出现,政府开支的限制就被打破,首先违约的就是法德两国。At the first whiff of recessionary pressures, the spending limits were broken, the initial transgressors being France and Germany.

但真相是,我们正处于一个早已超越了衰退阶段的大萧条中,即便真有萌芽出现,那也只是杂草。But the truth is, we arein a depression that has surpassed recessionary stages long ago. If there aretruly green shoots, they are weeds.

Mayland指出,企业库存/销售比处于历史低位,且请领失业金人数也没达到经济衰退时的程度。Business inventories are at record lows in relation to sales, Mayland noted, adding that claims for jobless benefits are not at recessionary levels.

该机构在指出全球长大减速“远比预期明显”之外,仍然猜测七国团体整体上不会重陷衰退。While noting that the global slowdown was 'more pronounced' than expected, the OECD is still not expecting a return to recessionary conditions in the G7 overall.

伦敦市场分析师理查德.亨特说,取决于形势进展如何,劳埃德银行集团也许需要纳税人投入更多资金,以避免在衰退的道路上越陷越深。London market analyst Richard Hunter says depending on how things go, some sense that Lloyds may need additional taxpayer backing further down the recessionary road.

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这使得指数安逸地高于经济衰退水平,但就业指数下滑至18个月以来的新低,令人不安。This puts the index comfortably above recessionary levels, but the slump in the employment index to a fresh 18-month low is likely to leave a bad taste in the mouth.

如果定一套抑制型财政政策,那可能会给希腊的短期发展带来负面影响,但不至于导致经济再衰退。A restrictive fiscal policy might well have a negative impact on Greece’s growth in the short term, but many of the arguments about its recessionary effects are flawed.

之后我们缩少了城市的名单,找出了一些城市,自2000年以来,在经济衰退期中仍然保持着较低的平均失业率和工作增长率。We then narrowed the list to cities that have weathered the recessionary job market and come out with below-average unemployment rates as well as job growth since 2000.